历年成考专升本英语真题归类汇编 阅读理解片段详解(11)

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编者按:威廉希尔app 成人高考频道为参加2011年成人高考的考生准备了“历年成考专升本英语真题归类汇编”专题,本专题的特点就是把历年成考专升本的英语真题按题型分类整理,便于读者学习和查看。下面请看专题。







Passage Eleven

“I love you, Bob.” “I love you, too, Nancy.” It was 2 a.m. and I was hearing my parents’ voices through the thin wall separating my bedroom from theirs. Their loving words were sweet, touching - and surprising.

My parents married on September 14, 1940, after a brief dating. She was nearing 30 and knew it was time to start a family. The handsome, well-educated man who came by the office where she worked looked like a good bet. He was attracted by her figure, her blue eyes. The romance didn’t last long.

Seeds of difference grew almost immediately. She liked to travel; he hated the thought. He loved golf; she did not. He was a Republican, she a loyal Democrat. They fought at the bridge table, at the dinner table, over money, over the perceived shortcomings of their respective in-laws.

There was a hope that they would change once they retired, and the angry winds did calm somewhat, but what remained changed itself into bright, hard bitterness. “I always thought we’d …” my mother would begin, before launching into a precise listing of my father’s faults. The complaints were recited so often, I can repeat them by heart today. As he listened, my father would say angry threats and curses in a low voice.

It wasn’t the happiest marriage, but as their 60th anniversary approached, my sister and I decided to throw a party. Sixty years was a long time, after all; why not try to make the best of things? We’d provide the cake, the balloons, the toasts, and they’d follow one rule: no fighting.

The agreement was honored. We had a wonderful day. When we thought back, we found it was an important celebration, because soon after, things began to change for my parents.

1.Bob married Nancy because of ______.

A. her nice appearance B. her good education

C. her romantic nature D. her position as an office girl

2. When the writer told the story, the mother was probably ______ years old.

A. 60 B. 70 C. 80 D. 90

3. What do we know about the writer’s parents?

A. Their marriage is a total failure.

B. They had different hobbies.

C. They had serious money problem.

D. They stopped quarrelling after they had children.

4. The purpose for the writer to hold the party is ______.

A. to recall the 60 years’ marriage life of her parents

B. to stop the long fighting between her parents

C. just to celebrate her parents’ 60th anniversary

D. to have a good time for family’s reunion


Passage eleven 1. A 2. D 3. B 4. B