
2013-04-15 17:35:02 字体放大:  


1. A. contain B. bargain C. explain D. remain



2. A. forbid B. double C. describe D. doubt



3. A. probably B. pronounce C. professor D. provide



4. A. ashamed B. asleep C. average D. attract



5. A. circle B. cattle C. coast D. curtain


解析:考察知识字母c在字母e i y前的发音特点。


6. He is busy his suitcase.

A. pack B. to pack C. packing D. packed


解析:考察知识 be busy doing结构。

7.-What are you looking for?

-I can't remember where I my glasses.

A. would leave B. leave C. had left D. left



8. The girl was pleased when the truth finally 。

A. came on B. came out C. came in D. came down



9. I wonder we could have a talk after the meeting.

A. which B. why C. that D. if



10. It began to rain, and Johnson put a light plastic raincoat his jacket.

A. at B. in C. over D. above



11. Work hard you will overcome the difficulties.

A. and B. so C. but D. for



12. There are five language labs in this building. One is on the second floor and ? on the third floor.

A. other B. the other C. other four D. the others



13. My parents started off at about 5 o'clock in the morning. They by now.

A. would be arriving B. should have arrived

C. would have arrived D. should be arriving


解析:考察知识情态动词should 与have done连用表示一个本来应该做而事实上没有做的动作。

14. You can borrow that bicycle if you .

A. want to B. want it C. want to do D. will Want


解析:考察知识“want to”中表达“想要”to作为介词后直接跟名词的用法。

15. The nurse held a small child face I didn't see clearly.

A. which B. that C. whose D. who



16. Jack was the sort of man who did not like his actions .

A. be questioned B. questioning

C. having questioned D. questioned



17. It is over a year now since I came to the company, but I the manager yet.

A. haven't met B. didn't meet

C. don't meet D. wouldn't meet



18. With such a lot of work , Mr. Jordan really had no time to look after his wife and daughter.

A. done B. doing C. to do D. having done



19. at his model plane over the weekend, he didn't complete it.

A. As he worked hard B. Hard as he worked

C. How he worked hard D. How hard he worked



20.-Hello, this is Linda speaking. May I speak to Jim?


A. it is B. speaking C. I am Jim D. that's me




Itzhak Perlman was born in Israel. Today he lives in New York City. But his music has made him a citizen of the world. He has played in 21 every major city. He has 22 fifteen Grammy awards (奖) and four Emmys.

Perlman suffered a temible disease which damaged his 23 at 4. Today he uses a wheelchair or walks with crutches (拐杖). But none of these 24 him from playing theviolin (小提琴). As a young child, he took his first 25 at the Music Academy of Tel Aviv. Very quickly, his special gift was 26 At 13 he went to the United States to appear on television. His playing 27 him to the Juilliard School in New York.

His music is full of power and strength. It can be 28 or joyfiul, !oud or soft. But people say it is not the music alone that makes his playing so 29 . They say he is able to show the joy he 30 in playing, and the feelings that great music can express.

Anyone who has 31 his performance Will tell you that it is 32 to watch him play. His face changes as the 33 from his violin changes. He smiles and 34 his eyes when the music is light and happy. He often 35 dark when the music seems dark and frightening.

Itzhak Perlman has received many honors, and continues to receive honors for his music.

21. A. almost B. just C. merely D. even

22. A. caught B. enjoyed C. given D. won

23. A. brains B. hand C. legs D. voice

24. A. protected B. reduced C. blocked D. stopped

25. A. lessons B. violin C. experience D. performances

26. A. received B. improved C. recognized D. shared

27. A. guided B. led C. showed D. caused

28. A. astonishing B. exciting C. happy D. sad

29. A. special B. easy C. difficult D. common

30. A. develops B. learns C. feels D. touches

31. A. sat B. helped C. monitored D. attended

32. A. surprising B. exciting C. boring D. encouraging

33. A. strength B. play C. music D. feeling

34. A. fixes B. closes C. wipes D. rolls

35. A. sounds B. looks C. thinks D. acts



解析:考察知识:通过记叙文及科技说明文等体裁的文章全面考察学生的阅读能力,考生抓住全文主旨(main idea)及段落主旨的能力,在众多细节中寻找关键细节(key details)的能力。


提示:Jack去图书馆借书,但没有借书证(library card)。图书管理员Linda为他办理了借书证,并告诉他每本书可借两个星期,如果需要,可以续借。

Linda: Good morning. 51 ?

Jack: Yes, I want to borrow a book.

Linda: 52 ?

jack: No, I don't have one now. 53 ?

Linda: Well, please fill in this fora first.

Jack: OK. (A few minutes later.) Here's the completed form.

Linda: Thanks. The card will be ready in thirty minutes, and you can take it later.

Jack: Thank you. By the way, 54 ?

Linda: Well, two weeks. But then, you can renew the book if you still need it.

Jack: I see. Thanks a lot.

Linda: 55 .




1. 交通:飞机或火车,机场有45路公交车,在最后一站下车,如坐火车你将去车站接;

2. 活动内容:到附近的岛上玩,游泳、跑步、爬山、吃海鲜。

注意:1. 开头和结尾已为你写好;

2. 词数应为100左右。


( 模式一 ) 邀请信

假如你是李明,1)听说好友王丽圣诞节放假来北京, 你邀请她与你共度有意义的假期。


Dear Wang Li:


1)I am very glad to hear that (you are going to have a Christmas holiday back to Beijing.) I’m writing this letter to invite you to have a meaningful holiday together with me.

2)How are you going? It has been quite a long time since (we had a three-day holiday in your hometown.) I sent you emails but did not receive your reply. Thus I am writing this letter to invite you to attend my birthday party.


So much for this letter and I wonder whether I have made everything clear. If you want to know more, just feel free to call me to discuss the details. I look forward to seeing you then.\ Hoping to hear from you soon.\ With best wishes to you and your family.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming

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