
2013-04-08 14:25:58 字体放大:  


1-5CDDAB 6-10ACCBB 11-15DCCBD 16-20AADDD 21-25DABBB 26-30DDDBD 31-35ACABA 36-40DCCDA 41-45DDCAD 46-50CBBBB

[1/2]作文:Dear Dr.Hufdman,

I'm Li Hua, was one of the organizers of the world economic forum, would like to invite you to attend the forum, please Dr.Hufdman do one hour lecture and answer the questions I

[2/2]hope you reply as soon as possible, place, Beijing National Institute of technology, meeting time, came 12 days on April 10, 2013.


第一题语音知识答案 第一题A.july第二题D.society第三题C.recent第四题B.captain第五题A.visit 第六题D.will be supposed第七题A.with pleasure第八题C.could第九题D.find第十题D.with第十一题B.everybody第十二题Cwhere第十三题B.is preparing第十四题B.followimg第十

[2/2]五题C.would be第十六题C.did his sister so第十七题A.what第十八题D.took out第十九题A.much二十题D.to run


1-10:23412 13432   11-20:42323 14131   21-30:41223 44324   31-40:13121 43441   41-50:44114 32234


Dear Huffman:

How are you these day? l haven't heard from you for a long time.l miss you so much.

We are invest you meeting The Word Economics Forum.lt will very interesting.And,we can go to the JinYue hotel eat delicious food.The conference venue is the National Science Park in Beijing.Time for April 10 to 12, 2013, Forum URL is www .wordeconomics.com.I hope very much at two o 'clock in the afternoon, and you can write back to me please.

l am looking forward to hearing form you soon

yours friend Li Hua


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