
2011-05-26 10:38:34 字体放大:  

24. By no means    to move to a new place far away from her workplace, because it isn't convenient for her family and herself.

A. Jane will agree

B. will Jane agree

C. Jane will disagree

D. will Jane disagree

25. You can,    the sky is clear, see as far as the old temple on top of the mountain, but not today.

A. when

B. where

C. though

D. because

26. With everything she needed    ,she went out of the shop,with her hands full of shopping bags.

A. bought

B. to buy

C. buying

D. buy

27. Having taken our seats,    .

A. the professor began the lecture

B. the lecture began in no time

C. we were attracted by the lecturer immediately

D. the bell announced the beginning of the lecture

28. In recent years many football clubs     as business to make a profit.

A. have run

B. have been run

C. had been run

D. will run

29. After 15 years in the United States, he has finally decided to    American citizenship.

A. concentrate on

B. apply for

C. look out for

D. appeal on

30. It is well known that teaching is a job,    enough patience.

A. calling on

B. calling off

C. calling for

D. calling in

31. Surely it doesn't matter where the clubs get their money; what    is what they do with it.

A. counts

B. applies

C. stresses

D. functions

32. I didn't expect to receive a postcard from you! It's really    my wildest imagination.

A. behind

B. beyond

C. except

D. through

33. It doesn't make     to buy that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good.

A. sense

B. opinion

C. use

D. program

34. The task is too much for me, so I can't carry on    any longer. I must get some help.

A. singly

B. simply

C. alone

D. lonely

35. Americans eat     vegetables per person today as they did in 1910.

A. more than twice

B. as twice as many

C. twice as many

D. more than twice as many

36. The two girls are getting on very well and share    with each other.

A. little

B. much

C. some

D. none

37. The taxi driver was put in      prison because his car had knocked down a child. His wife went to    prison to see him twice a month.

A. /; /

B. the; the

C. /; the

D. the; /

38. Without my glasses I can hardly     what has been written in the letter.

A. make for

B. make up

C. make out

D. make over

39. Her heart     faster when she entered the exam hall.

A. jumped

B. sank

C. beat

D. hit

40. Would you mind keeping a(n)    on the house for us while we are away?

A. eye


C. hand

D. view

41. I am afraid that his phone number has slipped my    for the moment.

A. head

B. brain

C. mind

D. sense

42. It was the wealth of the    pioneer landowner John Harvard that made Harvard University possible.

A. precious

B. curious

C. anxious

D. prosperous

43. I am not sure whether we can give the right advice    emergency.

A. on account of

B. in case of

C. at the risk of

D. in spite of

44. Vingo was released from prison    the successful efforts of his friends to prove his innocence.

A. according to

B. as a result of

C. for reasons of

D. with the help of

45. Some of the meat came from Canada. How about    ?

A. another

B. the other

C. others

D. the rest