
2011-05-26 10:32:57 字体放大:  

Part III Identification (10%)

Directions: Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A, B, C and D. Identify the one that is not correct. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

46. The reporter was very pleased when the chairman allowed him to ask few questions.

A     B        C        D

47. He tried to learn Greek but soon got tired of it and gave up it.

A         B    C     D

48. With the sun setting, we stopped working, putting away our tools and were going to go home.

A        B   C            D

49. Polite manners in China demand that a person stands up when anyone enters a room or when

A                 B         C

anyone hands him something.


50. This is the sportsman whom everyone says will win the gold medal at the Winter Olympic Games.

A         B      C           D

51. I heard that you really had a wonderful time at John’s birthday party, hadn’t you?

A        B        C          D

52. E-mail as well as mobile telephones are becoming more and more popular in daily communication.

A          B       C       D

53. They are going to have the servicemen installed an electric fan in the office tomorrow.

A   B         C        D

54. Two woman teachers and four girl students were praised at the meeting yesterday.

A         B     C     D

55. Lesson Three is the most difficult lesson, but it isn’t the most difficult lesson in Book Four.

A          B    C         D

Part IV Cloze (10%)

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage, and for each blank there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D at the end of the passage. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Scientists say that something very serious is happening to the earth. It will begin to get __56__ in the following years. There will be major changes in ___57__ in the new century. Coastal waters will have a __58__ temperature. This will have a __59__ effect on agriculture. In northern areas, the __60__ season will be ten days longer by the year 2010. However, in warmer areas, it will be too dry. The __61__ of water could __62__ by eighty percent. This would __63__ a large decrease in agriculture production.

World temperature could __64__ two degrees centigrade by the year 2040. However, the increase could be three times as great in the Artic and Antarctic area. This could cause the __65__ sheets to melt and raise the __66__ of the oceans __67__ one to two meters. Many coastal cities would be __68__ water.

Why is this happening? There is too __69__ carbon dioxide in the air. __70__ oil, gas and coal burn, they create large amounts of carbon dioxide. This carbon dioxide lets __71__ enter the earth’s atmosphere and __72__ the earth. However, it doesn’t let as much heat __73__ the atmosphere and enter space. It’s like a blanket. The heat __74__ the sun can pass through the blanket to warm the earth. The heat __75__ there and can’t escape through the blanket again.

Scientists call this the green-house effect.

56. A warmer B colder C better D worse

57. A land B agriculture C climate D weather

58. A lower B higher C normal D proper

59. A good B general C serious D useful

60. A getting B playing C taking D growing

61. A much B many C amount D number

62. A fall B decrease C refuse D rise

63. A lead B keep C make D cause