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寒冬已至,威廉希尔app 成考频道小编送上一颗热乎乎的心和精心编辑的“2014年学位英语语法试题:非谓语动词辅导”,希望各位小伙伴们喜欢哦!

1. You ought to know better than ____ yourself in unnecessary expense.

A. to involve B. involve C. involving D. involved

【答案】A 本题考察的是固定搭配. know better than to do sth. “不至于蠢到” 句意是“你应该不至于蠢到使自己陷入不必要的损失里吧!”

2. There is so much work _____ today. Would you be kind enough to lend me a hand?

A. having done B. to be done C. being done D. will be done


3. Tom said that he wouldn’t mind__________.

A. to wait for us B. waiting for us

C. wait for us D. for waiting us

【答案】B mind作介意讲后面接动名词,排除A,C.但mind是及物动词,不用介词,故排除D.答案选B.句意是“汤姆说他不介意等我.”

4. I enjoy playing basketball and then _______.

A. taking a bath B to take a bath C. take a bath D took a bath

【答案】A 由and连接的并列句,前后应保持一致,enjoy的宾语用的是动名词形式,同样and 后的宾语也要用动名词形式.故选A. 句意是“我喜欢打篮球,然后洗个澡.”

5. The famous novel is said ___ into Chinese.

A. to have translated B. to be translate

C. to have been translated D. to translate

【答案】C。本句是动词不定式的完成、被动式。当不定式的逻辑主语是不定式表示的动作的对象时(或是动作的承受者时),不定式一般要用被动式。不定式的完成式所表示的动作发生在谓语动作或状态之前。如:He is not likely to have been told the result.这个结果可能还没有告诉他。

6. Helen apologized for ____ to attend the party.

A. her not being able B. her being not able C. her to be not able D. her not to be able

【答案】A 本题考察的是动名词的否定式. apologized for … 表示“为某事道歉”for是介词,后面应该接动名词(复合结构),故排除C,D.动名词的否定形式是在动名词前加 not,故选 A. 句意是“海伦为她没能去参加晚会而道歉.”

7._______ a teacher, one must first be a pupil.

A. Being B. Having been C. To be D. To have been

【答案】 C 这句话强调的是目的 to就表示目的,意思是要想成为一名老师,首先必须是一个学生。A选项表示已经是一位老师。

8.They all returned to the village ___ that the danger was over.

A. convincing B. convinced C. to convince D. having convinced

【答案】B convinced that…=they were convinced that….“他们确信”省略了they were . 过去分词一般修饰人,意为 “被…的”, 现在分词一般修饰物,意为 “令人…的”,所以要用过去分词. 句意是“他们回到村庄,确信危险已经结束了.”

9. She apologized for ____ to attend the meeting.

A. her being not able B. her to be not able

C. her not to be able D. her not being able

【答案】D.此为固定语序,sb.’s not doing sth., not放于doing之前。此外还有固定用法apologize to sb. for doing


10. ___ anything about the accident, he went to work as well.

A. Not know B. Know not C. Knowing not D. Not knowing


威廉希尔app 成人高考频道小编为您整理的“2014年学位英语语法试题:非谓语动词辅导”对您有所帮助吧?一路陪您走过今年的成人高考,小编真心地希望各位能在本站有所收获!祝各位生活愉快,工作顺利!



