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亲爱的朋友们,威廉希尔app 成人高考频道小编为您准备了关于“2014年学位英语语法试题:非谓语动词复习”的内容,相信一定是您需要的,请关注哦!

1. Don’t forget ___ the window before leaving the room.

A. to have closed B. to close C. having closed D. closing

【答案】B。forget+动词不定式作宾语表示动作尚未发生。I am afraid I will forget to give the letter to him.我担心我会忘了把这封信交给他。(动词不定式表示一个发生在forget 之后的一个将来的动作。)forget +动名词作宾语,表示动作已经发生。I forget giving the letter to him.我忘了已经把信给他了。(动名词表示一个发生在forget之前的动作。)类似的动词有remember,regret等。本句的意思是“走的时候别忘了关窗户。”动作还没有发生,因此用动词不定式。

2. The news reporters hurried to the airport, only _____ the film stars had left.

A. to tell B. to be told C. telling D. told

【答案】B。考察不定式作结果状语的用法。The news reporters 是动作的受动者,所以用被动语态。因此选择B。

3. ____ tired, after a hard work, she fell into bed and went straight to sleep. (QE98-50)

A. Felt B. Feeling C. Being felt D. To feel


4. So many representatives _______ , the conference had to be put off.

A. were absent B. to be absent C. being absent D. had been absent

【答案】C 本题考查分词做原因状语。缺席,“be absent”在独立主格结构中,用分词结构表达“being absent”,或者省略be。

5. We should do as much as we can _____our country better and more beautiful.

A. make B. to make C. makes D. making


6. The plane crashed, its bombs ___ as it hit the ground.

A. exploded B. were exploded C. exploding D. were exploding

【答案】C 此句前后两部分没有and连接,不是一个并列句,横线处不能填做谓语的动词;its bombs___ as it hit the ground.为独立主格结构,逻辑主语是its bombs:炸弹,可以发出炸弹的动作,故用explore的现在分词:exploding表主动;过去分词:exploded表被动;as it hit the ground:当它(飞机)撞地面的时候,作独立主格结构中的时间状语从句。

7._____, he’ll make a first-class tennis player.

A. Giving time B. To give time C. Given time D. Being given time

【答案】C。考查非谓语。只要有时间,他就能够成为一流的网球选手。首先he和give time之间是被动关系,因此排除A、B。再有“给时间”和“成为一个优秀的网球选手”之间的关系是先给时间,再成为网球选手,而不是一边给时间,一边成为网球选手,因此排除D。

8. Encouragement through praise is the most effective method of getting people ______ their best.

A. do B to do C doing D done

【答案】B get sb. to do sth.“让某人做某事”是固定结构.句意是“通过赞扬来鼓励是让学生努力学习的最有效的办法.”

9.The interviewer should take down notes at the moment the person ___ answers the questions.

A. to be interviewed B. interviewing C. being interviewed D. interviewed

【答案】C 本题考查的是分词作状语。the person和interview是被动关系,并强调和前一动作“take down notes”同时进行,所以选C。

10. There was so much noise that the speaker couldn't make himself __ .

A. hearing B. being heard C. to hear D. heard

【答案】D make oneself heard“是自己被听到”,oneself 与hear之间式被动关系,“被听到”。

威廉希尔app 成人高考频道小编为您整理的“2014年学位英语语法试题:非谓语动词复习”对您有所帮助吧?一路陪您走过今年的成人高考,小编真心地希望各位能在本站有所收获!祝各位生活愉快,工作顺利!



