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各位朋友,由威廉希尔app 成人高考频道小编为您整理的“成考学位英语虚拟语气复习”内容第一时间为您发布,祝各位生活愉快,工作顺利!


表示与现在事实相反的,if从句用过去式,主句用would(或could, should, might)加原形动词。

与过去事实相反的,if从句用过去完成时,主句用would(或could, should, might)+have done结构。

与将来事实可能相反的,if 从句用should (或were to)加动词原形,主句用would加动词原形。

1)Had the weather been good, the children _____ out for a walk.

A. had gone B. could have gone

C. would go D. went

答案为B。与过去的事实相反。当if从句中含有were, had, should这三个词时,if可以省略,主谓倒装。

2)If a better material _____, the strength of the part would have been increased.

A. had been used B. had been using

C. being used D. using


2.某些动词后的宾语从句以及某些名词后的表语或同位语从句中虚拟语气的运用,这些动词或名词包括:suggest(suggestion),propose(proposal),advise (advice),demand, insist, order, request, require, recommend, desire, ask, decide等表示建议、命令或要求的词。在这些从句中,谓语形式为should加动词原形,should可以省略。

例:The general’s command was that the soldiers _____ their fort and carry out more important task.

A. would leave B. leave

C. left D. have left


3.在It is desired(或desirable), It is important等结构后面的主语从句中,动词用原形或should+原形动词。

这些结构有:It is suggested, It is requested, It was ordered, It is necessary, It is essential. It is vital, It is urgent, It is impossible, It is preferable, It is advisable, It was proposed等。

例:It’s desired that she _____ to teach us at least twice a week,

A. comes B. will come

C. come D. may come


4.在It is (high) time后边的that从句中,动词用过去式,表示该做某事了。

例:Don’t you think it is time you _____ smoking?

A. give up B. gave up

C. would give up D. should give up

5.在would rather, as if/though以及wish后边that从句中虚拟语气的运用。

1)I am too busy these days. I would rather all of you _____ next month for a dinner.

A. come B. would come

C. came D. have come

答案为C。would rather后面的从句中,动词形式用过去式。

2)You look as if you had seen a ghost.

此句中as if 后边是说话人想象中的过去的动作,所以用过去完成时。

3)I wish I knew his address.


4)Peter wishes that he _____ law instead of literature when he was in college.

A.could study B. studied

C. had studied D. would study



5)He talks as if he _____ everything in the world.

A. knows B. knew

C. had known D. would have know

正确答案为B。在as if/though后边的方式状语从句中,表示与现在事实相反或对现在的情况有所怀疑,动词用过去式;如果表示的是想象中的过去的动作,用过去完成时。本句表示对现在的情况有所怀疑。


1. It was proposed that the matter _____ discussed at the next meeting.

A. will be B. was C. could be D. be

2. We desire that the tour leader ____us immediately of any change in plans.

A. inform B. informs C. informed D. has informed

3. The young driver looked over the engine carefully lest it ____on the way.

A. goes wrong B. should go wrong C. went wrong D. would go wrong

4. It is essential that these application forms ____ back before the deadline.

A. must be sent B. will be sent C. are sent D. be sent

5. It’s already 5 o’clock now. Don’t you think it’s about time ____?

A. we are going home B. we go home

C. we went home D. we can go home

6. I’d rather you _____ make any comment on the issue for the time being.

A. didn’t B. wouldn’t C. don’t D. shouldn’t

7. That tree looked as if it _____ for a long time.

A. hasn’t been watered B. didn’t water

C. hadn’t been watered D. wasn’t watered

8. She didn’t go to the party, but she does wish she ____ there.

A. has been B. had been C. would have been D. would be

9. The traffic was very heavy; otherwise I _____here 30 minutes sooner.

A. could have been B. would be C. should be D. had been

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