
2013-11-05 14:14:10 字体放大:  

51. Where’s Mary? She’s ________ to be home and cleaning her room!

A. perceived B. regarded

C. considered D. supposed

52. The mayor is a woman with great integrity and therefore _______ our political and financial support.

A. deserves B. intends

C. raises D. declines

53. Scholars maintain that social development can easily ________ language changes.

A. take off B. come round

C. bring about D. run into

54. The little girl is ________ of the basic rules of English grammar, which leads to many errors in her writing.

A. suspicious B. ignorant

C. impulsive D. aware

55. The precious books were hopelessly ________ by long exposure in the cold, damp room.

A. harmed B. merged

C. ruined D. ensured

56. Our journey was slow because the train stopped ________ at different villages.

A. constantly B. continuously

C. continually D. gradually

57. It is considerate of you to turn down the radio ________ your sister is still ill in bed.

A. while B. so

C. how D. that

58. She should stop work; she has a headache because she ______ too long.

A. is reading B. has been reading

C. had read D. read

59. That they were wrong in the matters _______ now clear to us.

A. was B. were

C. are D. is

60. Look at the terrible situation I am in! If only I _________ your advice.

A. had taken B. have taken

C. took D. would taken

61. When _______ at the door, she was given a warm welcome.

A. appears B. appearing

C. to appear D. appeared

62. He was warned _______ he should make the same mistake again.

A. if B. given

C. lest D. unless

63. You will see to ________ the engine does not get out of order.

A. it that B. that

C. which D. whether

64. ________ that John should have passed the examination.

A. There is no surprise B. It is surprised

C. Not to surprise me D. It is no surprise

65. I have never been to New York, but it’s the place _________ .

A. where I’d like to visit B. that I want to visit most

C. that I want to visit it most D. in that I’d like to visit