
2013-11-05 14:05:00 字体放大:  

13. Gravity not only caused bodies to fall their speed.

A) and to increase B) but also increaseC) and increase D) but also increased

14. Was it that the professor regarded with contempt?

A) them who B) he who C) them whom D) those

15. She is pleased with what you have given him and __ you have told him.

A) that B) which C) all what D) all that

16.“Why didn’t Susan join the International Students Organization?’’

“She object to dues.”

A)we charge B)us charge C)we charging D)our charging

17.Helen apologized for the party.

A)her not being able to attend B)her being not able to attend C)her being able not to attend D)not her being able to attend

l8.The universe we know it might have begun with a great explosion.

A)as B)that C)and which D)and

19.James Cook, also discovered the Hawiian Islands.

A)by exploring the South Sea he reached Australia B)explored the South Sea and reaching Australia C)who explored the South Sea and reached Australia D)explored the South Sea then reached Australia

20.One of the most obvious characteristics of the moon is the way in which it continuously changes .

A)in appearing B)its appearance C)are appearing D)for appearance

21.The tail is to a fish the rudder is to a ship.

A)what B)that C)which D)as if

22. either you or I going to the Great Wall tomorrow?

A)Is B)Are C)Am D)Be

23.Communications satellites have international live transmission of important events.

A)made it possible B)made possible itC)made possible D)it made possible

24.“Tom could not speak Spanish until the 25th Olympic Games.” “I know ”

A)I could not also B)Neither could I C)I could too D)I couldn’t neither

25.Sarah is the only one of the youngest girls in the band.

A)who play B)that play C)which plays D)who plays