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Part I Vocabulary and Structure

Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a singe line through the center

1.When he heard the news,he____completely.

A)broke away B)broke up C)broke down D)broke out

2.It would be a mistake to____this law to situations which are outside this range.

A)apply B)use C)employ D)fit

3.Finding it difficult to to the climate in the city, he decided to move to the north.

A)adopt B)adapt C)keep D)suit

4.He happened to be at home, was rarer, disengaged.

A)which B)that C)what D)as

5.The children were for getting their shoes and socks wet.

A)Suffered B)accused C)scolded D)complained

6. The old man wished his son to take his duties

A) seriously B) severely C) definitely D) delicately

7. She is such an irritation woman. I don't known how you can her.

A) put up B) put up with C) stand up with D) stand with

8. Yes, Mr. Jones. I realized that you are anxious for promotion, but are you prepared to __the extra responsibility?

A) take on B) take up C) set about D) go about

9.It was difficult to guess what her to the news would be.

A) impression B) reaction C) common D) opinion

10. His compass proved to him when he was lost unknown country.

A) valuable B) expensive C) precious D) costly

11. He will probably be awarded a Nobel Prize on account of his achievements in chemistry.

A) high B) worthwhile C) outstanding D) powerful

12. The neighbors do not consider him quite as most evening he awakens them with his drunken singing.

A) respectful B) respectable C) respective D) respected