
2013-11-05 14:02:56 字体放大:  

42. Those researchers who believe violence on TV has a positive effect on viewers think that ______.

A. it teaches people not to use violence to resolve conflicts

B. it stimulates higher energy levels in children

C. it helps let out people's undesirable emotions

D. it helps people to fight various social evils before them

43. A "prosocial" behavior is one _____.

A. that is against the social, norm

B. that meets the expectation of the society

C. that a child shows in communication with people

D. that can often be shaped by TV programs

44. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Television viewing leads naturally to antisocial behavior.

B. Violence on television does not help shape violent behavior in children.

C. The effect of violent TV programs on children needs further study.

D. Both prosocial and antisocial behaviors can be learned from violent programs.

45. The last sentence of the passage implies

A. the government will have to ban violence on TV under public pressure.

B. violence in television programs will continue to appear in the future.

C. producers and concerned citizens con work together to clean up TV programs.

D. without violence, action-adventure programs would be more popular.


31-35 CADAC

36-40 CDDCB

41-45 ACBCB

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