
2013-11-04 13:01:55 字体放大:  

各位朋友,刚刚参加完成考又回到紧张的工作和生活中,不要忘了常回来关注威廉希尔app 成人高考频道哦!为您编发“2013学位英语从句练习题”希望朋友们喜欢!


1. you didn't know the rules won't be a sufficient excuse for your delaying submitting the report.

A. It is √ B. That C. Because D. What


2. It was a hundred people looked lost in it.

A. too large room so B. so a large room where

√C. so large a room that D. such a large room which

It is …that…强调句;so +a.+…that…

3. Advertising is distinguished from other forms of communication the advertiser pays for the message to be delivered.

A. where B. in order that √C.in that D. in the way

4. You can fly to London this afternoon you don't mind changing plane for Paris.

√A. provided B. unless C. except D. so far as

provide 只要;作条件状语从句。

5. he had discovered his error,Jamaica made the necessary corrections in the data.

A. As though √ B. As soon as C. As if D. As far as

6. the students were discussing the car accident,Benne put in that the road was icy.

A. Since B. Where √ C. While D. As soon as

Put in 驶入;

7. They repeated the test several times they succeeded in getting a correct result.

A. when B. since √C. until D. for

8. We must begin testing the instrument no matter difficult it is.

A. what B. when √C. how D. however

No matter how difficult = however it is difficult

9. I left school I had taught that subject for ten years.

A. Whenever √B. By the time C. The moment D. Since

10. people say,I believe he is as innocent as a baby unborn.

A. Whoever B. However √C. Whatever D. Whenever

11. The more we looked at the abstract painting, .

√ A. the less we liked it B. better we liked it

C. we liked it less D. it looked better

The more …,the less…

12. I decided to stop and have lunch, I was feeling quite hungry.

√A. for B. moreover C. consequently D. whereas


13. It was in 1665 the concept of the Earth's gravity interested Isaac Newton.

√A. that B. who C. which D. when


14. Hardly had Glucia finished his speech the audience stared applauding.

A. that B. as C. since √D. when

Hardly …when(before)…,刚一…就…。

15. Snowdonia will never seem to succeed, hard she tries because no one is supporting her.

√A. however B. whenver C. whomever D. whom

16. I don't think that Bob will come here again today,please give the book to comes first.

√ A. whoever B. who C. whomever D. whom

17. the punishment was unjust,Henry accepted it without complaint.

A. So long as B. Since √C. Even though D. While

Complaint 抱怨;让步状语从句;

18. The situation today is obviously different from it was about 30 years ago.

√A. what B. when C. which D. such

19. We all got up early that morning we might start before dawn.

A. so as to B. in order to √ C. in order that D. so

20. You can not see the doctor you have made an appointment with him.

A. if B. except √ C. unless D. when

Make an appointment with… 和………有约

21. Whether that is a good solution depends on .

√A. how you look at it B. you look at it

C. that you look at it D. what you look at it

22. How close parents are to their children a strong influence on the character of the children.

A. have B. to have √ C. has D. having


23. No sooner had we reached the top of the hill we all sat down to rest.

√A. that B. then C. when D. until

24. You will grow wiser you grow older.

A. when B. after √ C. as D. since

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