威廉希尔app 成人高考频道小编为您整理了成人学位英语相关复习的内容,“2013年成人学位英语辅导:动词形态的误用”,在这距成考越来越近的日子里,希望为您的复习助一臂之力!
㈠不定式动词(the infinitive),如:
① An applicant was rejected, but the personnel manager who rang up with the bad news promised to help her looked for a job elsewhere.
凡在“HELP+宾语”后面出现的一定是不定式动词,可以带“to ”,也可以不带“to”,但是绝对不可以是其他形式的动词,因此“ looked”要改为“look”或“to look”。
② The sight of the horrible animal made our blood ran cold.
③ The long distance between Singapore and China makes Singapore's businessmen considering going to nearer countries to invest. www.yingyusanji.com
㈡过去分词(the past participle),如
④ Like other teaching methods, group discussion can assist students in solving recognising problems.
⑤ The instructional techniques describing in the book have some striking features.
⑥ Day in day out, housewives will lost contact with the outside world.
在英语助动词“do, shall, have”等或情态动词“can, may, must”等后面出现的是原形动词,其他形式的动词都不对。因此,⑥ 里的“lost”要改为“lose”。⑦和⑧里的“spent ”和“ entrusted”也应为“spend”和“entrust”。
⑦ Instead of joining violent demonstrators, students should spent their time studying.
⑧ Can mothers confidently entrusted their children to any day-care centre?
⑨ Prior to analyse teaching methods, it is important for the teacher to know something about the student's learning strategies.
⑨里的“prior to”等于介词“before”,后头带宾语。其中一种宾语是动名词或动名词短语(gerund/gerund phrase)。显然的,原形的“analyse”要变成“analysing”。⑩里的“engage”和╆里的“to repair and restore”也非改成“engaging”和“repairing and restoring”不可: ⑩ They should concentrate on their studies instead of engage themselves in mobs. ╆ The authorities spent a lot of money to repair and restore damaged public buildings.
威廉希尔app 成人高考频道精心搜集的“2013年成人学位英语辅导:动词形态的误用”就到这里了,我们会继续编辑更多更好的复习内容为您备考助力!祝各位小伙伴们复习愉快,早日梦想成真!