
2011-04-25 14:29:50 字体放大:  

【编者按】2011年学位外语考试在即,为了帮助大家复习,威廉希尔app 的小编特别整理了考试英语作文写作(科学的消费观)范文,供大家参考。


The scientific consumption refers to the reasonable expenditure based on our real needs, which enables all kinds of expenses to fully serve both our mental & physical health.

To be a scientific consumer, firstly we should learn some consumption knowedge to guide our daily expenditure and take the best advantage our limited income; Secondly, we are supposed to deal with the present & long-term consumption rationally to ensure our fully-scaled development; Thirdly, the sustainable consumption requires us a healthy & correct way to consume so as not to waste or pollute our natural resources; Finally, the consumption structure is being perfected with the development of scienfific technology & social economics.

And this is the very thing we name as the scientific consumption.