
2011-04-25 12:09:50 字体放大:  

【编者按】2011年学位外语考试在即,为了帮助大家复习,威廉希尔app 的小编特别整理了学位英语历年考试听力题型出现频率较高的的句子,供大家参考。

1 、It does not matter 不要紧?

2 、It's quite dull 这是十分迟钝?

3、 I have learned English for about 12 years 我已经学英语12年?

4、 It was rainy where I left 这是我离开那里下雨?

5 、It's made in France 这是在法国?

6、 Wait fifty minutes 等待五十分钟?

7 、she would like the food to be as the surroundings 她希望作为食物环境?

8、 she needs to eat before school 她需要上学前吃?

9、 they can give Bob a ride 他们可以给乙一个骑?

10、 Take care of the dog's veterinarian visits in the future 会在将来的狗的兽医照顾访问?

11、 Regular potatose 定期potatose?

12、 very hard 很辛苦?

13、 student-student 学生与学生?

14、 watch TV 看电视?

15、 camera store 照相机商店?

16、 To learn the proper behavior at an American dinner 要了解美国在晚宴上正确的行为?

17、 when the hostess asks him to leave the table 当女主人问他离开餐桌?

18、 make sure their students understand 确保他们的学生了解?

19、 Do the reading assighments 做阅读assighments?

20、 Through involving students in discussions 学生通过参与讨论?