
2011-04-25 11:35:14 字体放大:  

【编者按】2011年学位外语考试在即,为了帮助大家复习,威廉希尔app 的小编特别整理了学位英语历年考试听力题型出现频率较高的的句子,供大家参考。

1 、No,it is really freezing 不,这是真的冻结?

2 、Maybe tomorrow if I hurry up 也许明天我赶紧注册?

3 、I am trying my best to finish it,But you know easy said than done 我尽我所能去完成它,但你知道说的比做的容易?

4 、I'd love to, but I will be fully occupied that afternoon 我很想去,但我会在当天下午完全占领?

5 、I'm sorry Mr Johnson is at a conference 对不起约翰逊先生在一次会议上的?

6 、It has plenty of light 它拥有充足的阳光?

7、 To see a new type of boiler 要看到新型锅炉?

8、 Call a taxi for him to the hotel 打电话给他打车到酒店?

9、 In the woman's dormitory 在女人的宿舍?

10 、There schoolmates 有同学?

11、 He went for a drink with a friend 他去与朋友喝?

12、 Help him with his physics 他帮他物理?

13 、she might get a good job later 她可能找到一份好工作后?

14、 she will be picked up at the station 她将拿起在车站?

15、 He had a sight temperature 他有一个视线温度?

16、 They may support the employes 他们可能会支持聘用过的员工?

17 、A third party would impose a settle 第三方将处以解决?

18、 A very large spider 一个非常大蜘蛛?

19 、At night 在晚上?

20 、The bird-eating spider is able to climb any places 该鸟为食的蜘蛛能爬任何地方?