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Part IV Cloze(10%)


Directions:There are 20 blanks in the following passage,and for each blank there are 4 choices marked A,B,C and D at the end of the passage.You should choose ONE answer that best fits into the passage.Then blacken the corresponding letter the Answer Sheet.

The mysterious tiger has been a symbol of power and strength for centuries.Its power is a 56 to hunters, 57 have tried to kill it to prove their own skill and 58.In India 59 the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries,1arge parties of 60 from around the world 61 go out on huge tiger hunts.Hundreds of tigers could be killed in a few weeks.As a 62 0f this over-hunting,63 with loss of habitat(栖息地),the population of tigers in India dropped from about 40,000 64 the turn of the twentieth century to about2,000 by l972.

With the help of India and other concerned countries.The World Wildlife Fund 65 0peration Tiger in l972 to save the tiger 66 dying out.Since then,seventeen tiger preserves(保护区)have been 67 ,and the tiger population in India has risen to 68 4,000 and 5,000.

But when people live on the 69 of the tiger preserves, tigers sometimes kill their farm animals and attack people—about 600 people in India have been killed by tigers in the last dozen years.70 tigers do not eat humans.But “old, wounded and homeless” tigers can become habitual(习惯的)man-eaters.In one area in India,

in India,villagers have 71 a clever solution.They wire lifelike human dummies(假人)to electricity 72 the tigers get a(n) 73 shock when they attack.It is hoped that in this way tigers will learn to 74 people.But the conflict between human and tiger 75 .Only if people have enough food,shelter and fuel will the tiger survive in the long run.And only if the tiger and its forest survive will people have a natural world they can return to.

56. A. succession B. challenge C. guarantee D. intelligence

57. A. that B. which C. who D. those

58. A. bravery B. intention C. ambition D. harmony

59. A. on B. throughout C. with D. for

60. A. statesmen B. salesmen C. sportsmen D. chairmen

61. A. had better B. would rather C. ought to D. used to

62. A. result B. condition C. lack D. cause

63. A. provided B. guided C. perceived D. combined

64. A. with B. for C. at D. in

65. A. fastened B. founded C. surveyed D. interfered

66. A. through B. from C. away D. out

67. A. set up B. stood up C. paid back D. hold back

68. A. among B. through C. between D. from

69. A. edge B. bake C. front D. center

70. A. Occasionally B. Usually C. Rarely D. Repeatedly

71. A. looked up to B. passed by C. kept in touch with D. come up with

72. A. as soon as B. so that C. as long as D. for fear that

73. A. delicate B. sensitive C. electric D. magnificent

74. A. protect B. attack C. avoid D. penetrate

75. A. remains B. removes C. releases D. relieves