成考学位英语真题解析(2006-2010) 2010学位英语B卷真题(5)

2011-01-18 16:20:34 字体放大:  

编者按:威廉希尔app 成人高考频道为参加2011年成人高考的考生准备了:成考学位英语真题解析(2006--2010) “专题,历年真题讲解很详细,除给出答案外,还附有详解,希望对考生有所帮助。下面请看专题。






   Part Ⅲ Identification (10%)
  Directions: Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A, B, C and D. Identify the one that is not correct. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

  46. When you've finished with that book, don't forget to put is back on the shelf, won't you?
           A          B        C           D

  47. The workers in the factory demanded that their pay would be raised by 20 percent.
      A           B          C      D

  48. It remains to see whether Jim will be fit enough to play in the finals.
      A   B        C       D

  49. I invited Joe and Linda as well as Tom to dinner, but neither of them came.
     A          B       C     D

  50. Over the past 20years , the internet has helped change our world in either way or another
       A                 B          C

  for the better.

  51. How and why this language has survived for more than a thousand years, while spoke by very
      A          B                       C

  few, is hard to explain.

  52. Nearly half of Americans aged 25 and old take part in some form of continuing education.
     A          B     C         D

  53. Many parents feel they need to keep a closer eye to their children because of concerns about
                A          B         C       D
  crime and school violence.

  54. For married mothers, the time spend on child care increased to an average of 12.9 hours a
    A              B         C      D
  week in 2009.

  55. There is an increasingly amount of evidence that more and more young people are taking an
           A             B                C

  active interest in politics.



Part III 挑错:

46-50 D C B D C

51-55 C C B B A

46. D 应改为will you?

47. C 应改为should be

48. B 应改为to be seen

49. D 应改为none of

50. C 应改为one

51. C 应改为being spoken

52. C 应改为older

53. B 应改为on

54. B 应改为spent

55. A 应改为increasing