成考学位英语真题解析(2006-2010) 06学位英语A卷真题(2)

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编者按:威廉希尔app 成人高考频道为参加2011年成人高考的考生准备了:成考学位英语真题解析(2006--2010) “专题,历年真题讲解很详细,除给出答案外,还附有详解,希望对考生有所帮助。下面请看专题。






Passage 3

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:

To us it seems so natural to put up an umbrella to keep the water off when it rains. But actually the umbrella was not invented as protection against rain. It was first used as a shade against the sun.

Nobody knows who first invented it, but the umbrella was used in very ancient times. Probably the first to use it were the Chinese, way back in the eleventh century B.C..

We know that the umbrella was also used in ancient Egypt and Babylon as a sunshade. And there was a strange thing connected with its use; it became a symbol of honor and authority. In the Far East In ancient times, the umbrella was allowed to be used only by royal people or by those in high office.

In Europe, the Greeks were the first to use the umbrella as a sunshade. And the umbrella was in common use in ancient Greece. But it is believed that the first persons in Europe to use the umbrellas as protection against the rain were the ancient Romans.

During the Middle Ages, the use of the umbrella practically disappeared. Then it appeared again in Italy in 16th century. And again it became a symbol of power and authority.

Umbrellas have not changed much in style during all this time, though they have become much lighter in weight. (80)It wasn’t until the twentieth century that women’s umbrellas began to be made in a variety of colors.

11. The first use of umbrella was as_____.

A. protection against rainB. a shade against the sun

C. a symbol of powerD. a symbol of honor

12._____were regarded as the people who first used umbrellas.

A. RomansB. Greeks

C. ChineseD. Europeans

13. The umbrella was used only by royal people or those in high office______.

A. in European in the eighteenth century

B. in ancient Egypt and Babylon

C. in the Far East in ancient times

D. during the Milddle Ages

14. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A. Women enjoy using umbrella with varies kinds of colors

B. The inventor of the umbrella is unknown

C. Once ordinary people had no right to use umbrellas

D. Umbrellas were popular and cheap in the ancient times

15. Which of the following may be the best title for the passage?

A. When Was the Umbrella Invented

B. The Role of Umbrella in History

C. The Colors and Shapes of Umbrella

D. Who Needed Umbrella First

Part Ⅱ Vocabulary and Structure (30%)

16. The news quickly spread through the village ______ the war had ended.

A. whichB. whatC. thatD. where

17. We hurried to the station ______ find ourselves three hours earlier for the train.

A. only toB. in order toC. so as toD. such as to

18. I meant ______ you , but I’m afraid I forgot.

A. ringingB. being ringingC. to ringingD. to ring

19. We live in a time ______, more than ever before in history, people are moving

A. whatB. whenC. whichD. where

20. Is there any possibility of getting the price______ further?

A. reducedB. reduceC. reducingD. be reduced

21. _______ you feel too ill to go out. I would rather not stay at home tonight.

A. BecauseB AlthoughC. UnlessD. If

22. Because of many mistakes, she was made ______ these letters again.

A. typeB. to typingC. typedD. to type

23. It is hot and dry; the flowers need ______.

A. being wateredB. be wateredC. to waterD. to be watered

24. He began by showing us where the country was and went on _______ us about its climate.

A. tellingB. to tellC. to tellingD. to be told

25. Our failure _____ ourselves to modern life often causes us trouble in our work.

A. to adoptB. to applyC. to adaptD. to act

26. Once _____ of the necessity of a move, he worked hard to find a new home.

A. convincedB. be convincedC. convincingD. having convinced

27. So many representatives _______ , the conference had to be put off.

A. were absentB. to be absentC. being absentD. had been absent

28. In no case _____ the students from exploring new ideas.

A. we should preventB. we could preventC. should we preventD. shouldn’t prevent

29. I don’t think it advisable that Tom _____ to the job since he has no experience.

A. be assignedB. is assignedC. will be assignedD. has been assigned

30. With all this work on hand, she ______ to the dance party last night.

A. oughtn’t to goB. hadn’t goneC. shouldn’t have goneD. mustn’t have gone

31. As Christmas was coming, the town began a ______ clearing on a large scale.

A. throughB. thoroughC. thoughD. thought

32. E-mail writing has became the usual means of communication _______ people some distance away.

A. forB. onC. toC. with

33. It is a good idea for parents to monitor the _____ as well as the kind of television that their children watch.

A. numberB. sizeC. amountD. screen

34. I’m afraid that there isn’t _____ for you in my car.

A. placeB. seatC. cornerD. room

35. It suddenly _____ to me that we could use a computer to do the job.

A. happenedB. occurredC. agreedD. presented

36. The old people often raise ______ for the sake of companionship.

A. petsB. pipesC. pillsD. pies

37. The river here is very wide but ____, so you can walk across it.

A. narrowB. arrowC. shallowD. hollow

38. The streets were empty ____ the policemen on duty.

A. besidesB. exceptC. exceptingD. except for

39. Don’t leave matches or cigarettes on the table within the _____ of little children.

A. handB. reachC. spaceD. distance

40. –How did you pay the workers?

–As a rule , they were paid by ______.

A. the hourB. an hourC. hourD. the time

40.—How did you pay the workers?

—As a rule, there were paid by_____.

A. the hourB. an hour

C. hourD. the time

41.____ of the students in our class are from the north.

A. Two ninthB. Second ninth

C. Second ninesD. Two ninths

42. My father has classes ____ day: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

A. each otherB. every other

C. this and the otherD. all other

43. This morning Jack came to school late____.

A. than usualB. as usual

C. like usualD. like usually

44. I’m putting on weight. The doctor has warned me to ____sugar.

A. keep upB. keep back

C. keep offD. keep away

45. We were ____ for half an hour in the traffic and so we arrived late.

A. kept upB. held up

C. cut upD. brought up

Part Ⅲ Identification(10%)

46. He didn’t dareto leave the house for fear someone would recognize him soon.


47. You can see the whole city for milesfrom here in a clear day.


48. He wished he didn’t tell her the truth that brought her so much pain.


49. The room, which window faces the south, is the nicest one of all on this floor.


50. He is a true friend of mine, whom I can always depend whenever I get into trouble.


51. Let’s go and watch that mew movie at eight tonight, won’t we?


52. It is very important that the students’ voice is heard by the authorities of all our schools.


53. This is such a beautiful day that everyone around us feel likegoing out for a walk.


54. We saw a big dog that was fierce and felt frightenedinour way home.


55. You will feel inconvenient in Japanif you can eitherspeak Japanese nor English.



11.B 根据第一段最后一句话可以得知。

12.C 根据第二段可直接得知。

13.C 根据第三段最后一句可得知。

14.D 由第三段可知,雨伞在古代曾经是权利和荣耀的象征,所以只能由皇族和高官持有,故此项不对。

15.B 通读全文可知,文章讲雨伞的不同角色,包括遮阳,遮雨,在古代还能象征权利和荣誉,所以B能最好地概括全文,其他项都太过片面。

16. C 选that引导一个同位语从句,that the war had ended是news的同位语,说明news的内容

17. A 这句话的意思是我们赶到车站发现我们早到了三个小时,in order to 和so as to都表示为了,such as to不符合语法规范,B, C, D都可以排除

18. D 这句的意思是,我本要给你打电话呢,meant to do sth表示本来要做某事

19. B 这里选when而不选which因为如果分析成份的话,time在后半句中担当状语的成份,所以连词要用一个与状语相搭配的连接词

20. A 这里是固定搭配,get sth done,get the price reduced就是使价格降低

21. C 这句话的意思是除非你病的无法出门了,要不然我还是不情愿呆在家里。Unless除非, although虽然, if如果, because因为

22. D 这里是固定用法,be made to do被强制/被要求做某事

23. D 这里是固定用法,need to be done前面的被修饰词与be done的动词是被动关系

24. B 这里是固定用法,go on to do继续做某事

25. C 这里要表示的意思是适应现代社会,adapt to适应;其他几个词的词义都不符合句子要求

26.A be convinced of相信,确信; “Once......”引导分词短语作状语,省略了be动词。

27.C 缺席,“be absent”在独立主格结构中,用分词结构表达“being absent”。

28.C “in no case”否定副词开头句子要倒装,又根据句意排除A B D.

29.A “t advisable that......” 从句虚拟语气“should do”should可省略。

30.C 原句意思“她手头还有这么多工作,昨晚本不应去参加舞会”,对过去情况的虚拟用 “should have done”结构。

31.B 考查词汇“彻底的”大扫除,用through 。A.通过;C。虽然;D. think 的过去式,想法。

32.D与某人交流用介词 with

33.C “让父母监督孩子看电视的数量及种类是个好主意”第一项指可数名词,第二项尺码,最后一项,屏幕,都不符合。C. amount数量,可用于不可数名词。

34.D “车里没有足够的地方让你坐”D.room可作不可数名词表示空间,地方。A.place可数名词与题不符。B. seat座位。可数,如果用可数名词前面应有修饰词或冠词,而原题没有,排除。C. corner 角落。

35.B 固定用法“it occurs to me...”忽然想起 ......

36.A 此题考查名词词义辨析,A为宠物,饲养宠物符合题意;B为管道,C为药,D水果派,均不恰当。

37.C 此题考查近形词辨析。各项意思分别为:狭窄的;箭头;浅的;空心的;只能选C。

38.D 意思是表示“整体肯定,但不排除,即部分否定”街道整体上是空的,除了有几个值班保安。A为除...... 外还有;B除去...... 外,表示从整体中除去某些对象,都不贴切。

39.B 表示可触及的范围,题意即在某人出手可及的范围内。其他选项都无这种搭配。

40.A 固定用法,按小时付酬。

41.D 表示几分之几,分子用基数词,分母用序数词,且若分子大于一,则分母用复数。

42.B every other day表示“每隔一天”也可以说成every two days,其他项均不正确。

43.B as usual 为“像往常一样”,考查固定用法。

44.C 考察与keep 有关的短语辨析,各项的意思是:继续保持;收回;远离;远离,但为不及物动词,需加from 再跟名词。所以选C

45.B 此题也考查词组辨析,各项意思为:保持;阻挡;切碎;抚养;

46.C 改为for fear that ,此处that 引导的是同位语从句,所以不可省略。

47.D改为on ,具体到某一天,前面介词用on

48.B改为 hadn’t told, wish 后若表示对过去情况的虚拟时,用过去完成时。

49.A改为 whose 此处关系词做window的定语,只能用 whose

50.C改为 depend on. depend 为不及物动词,depend on 依靠,依赖。

51.D改为 shall we Let’s 引导的句子变反意疑问句,用shall we;而 let us引导的话用则用will you引导。

52.B改为 be heard important后面的从句中要用虚拟语气should+动词原型,should可以省略。

53.C改为 feels like, everyone 等不定代词做主语,后面谓语动词要用单数形式。

54.C改为on on one’s way home在某人回家的路上,为固定用法。

55.C改为 neither neither...nor... 既不......也不。固定搭配。