
2013-11-11 14:46:24 字体放大:  

亲爱的朋友们,威廉希尔app 成人高考频道小编为您准备了关于“成人学位英语完形填空模拟试题及答案”的内容,相信一定是您需要的,请关注哦!

Every one wants to be healthy and happy. 1__, illness or accidents may occur without any __2___. Frequently, the   person who is __3___ can be cared for at  home if there is someone ___4__ of looking  after him under the doctor‘s ___5__.  Sometimes arrangements can be ___6__ for a visiting nurse to give the necessary___7__ once a day, or oftener, if necessary. The responsible one in the home___8__on with the rest of the care during the ___9__ between the nurses’ visit.The rapid diagnosis and immediate treatment ___10__ the spot of an accident or (11) illness. While awaiting the arrival of doctors, is called the first aid and quite ___12__ from the home nursing. 【外语教育¥网www.for68.com】

When illness does come, the whole family is ___13__. Many adjustments have to be made ___14__ the family routine  needn‘t be ___15__ completely. Often it can be rearranged with home duties simplified to save time and energy, thus reducing ___16__ on the family.  The ___17__ responsibility for giving  nursing care is usually ___18__ by one   person, frequently the mother. __19___, in order that she may have some needed rest, or in___20__she herself is ill, other members of the family should learn how to help when sickness occurs.

1. A) Occasionally B) Unfortunately C) Miserably D)Naturally

2. A)reason B) notice C) warning D)sign

3. A) weak B) patient C) ill D)guilty

4. A)suitable B)appropriate C) capable D) indispensable

5. A) introduction B) control C) decision D) direction

6. A)done B)made C)placed D)performed

7. A) entertainment B) cure C) care D)training

8. A)works B) carries C) looks D) depends

9. A)break B)gap C)interval D)course

10. A)on B) in C) at D)from

11. A)immediate B) sudden C)instant D) gradual

12. A)similar B)distinct C)urgent D)separate

13. A)inclined B)related C)affected D)effected

14. A)and B)but C)or D)thus

15. A)puzzled B)confused C)troubled D)disturbed

16. A)strain B)worry C)pain D)trouble

17. A)joint B)overall C)intensive D)extensive

18. A)consumed B)ensured C)assumed D)concerned

19. A)Therefore B)Moreover C)Futhermore D) However

20. A)fact B)case (C)result D)contrast

答案:1-5 B C C C D 6-10 B C B C A

11-15 B B C B D 16 -20 A B C D B

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