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Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A),B), C)and D). You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

In Shanghai, a growing number of foreign-funded banks are looking for local people to fill executive positions(行政主管的岗位) rather than people from their own countries as they did in the past. U. S.-based Citibank (花旗银行) put a job announcement in a local newspaper last week calling for executive trainees. It was part of Citibank' s business plan in China to draw local professionals (专业人员). Demand for personal banking services has been on the rise since China joined the World Trade Organization at the end of 2001. The move does not only happen to Citibank. Many other foreign-funded banks in the city have made similar decisions. The U. K. ' s Standard Chartered last year employed over 30 graduates from Chinese universities and colleges as executive trainess. They are expected to take up managerial positions at the bank's Shanghai branch after a two-year training program overseas.

The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) has announced it will employ more new graduates in China in the coming year. Local people account for over 92 % of the office workers in its Shanghai operation.

36. Citibank used to look for executives for its operations ________.

A) in the U.S.

B) in Shanghai

C) in the U.K.

D) in some cities

37. The executive trainees (Line 4, Para. 1) are probably those who are

A) persons to train other people

B) persons to be trained

C) executives

D) leaders in the bank

38. Banks like Citibank look for local people to fill executive positions because ________.

A) there is an increasing demand for personal banking services

B) there are more and more local professionals

C) China has joined the World Trade Organization

D) China has more and more executive trainees

39. HSBC probably is the name of ________.

A) some executives

B) some local people

C) a city

D) a bank

40. According to the passage, after they have been employed the Chinese graduates would ________.

A) be trained for 2 years in Shanghai

B) be sent to overseas for training

C) do some work of executives in Shanghai

D) take up managerial positions at the branch






37.【答案精解】B。释义题。本题考查名词trainees的含义。根据文章第一段最后一句They(承前指代executive trainees)are expected to take up managerial posifions at me bank's Shanghai branch after a two-year training program overseas得知。他们被招募来首先要经过培训,所以trainees的意思是“见习生,实习生”,故选B。

38.【答案精解】A。判断题。从文中Demand for personal banking services has been…at the end of 2001可得出选项A为正确答案。而选项C只是造成increasing demand for personal banking services的原因,并非外资银行招募中国员工的直接原因。

39.【答案精解】D。释义题。由第二段句首The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation(HSBC)可知,它是The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation的缩写,所以HSBC是一家银行的名称。

40.【答案精解】B。细节题。从原文第一段句末They ale expected to...after a two-year training program overseas可知,大学毕业生首先要送往国外受训两年,而非留在上海受训,所以A不正确,而C和D则是受训归国之后的事,因此应排除。

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