
2013-11-11 13:33:59 字体放大:  

寒冬已至,威廉希尔app 成考频道小编送上一颗热乎乎的心和精心编辑的“成人学位英语三级短文挑错训练及答案”,希望各位小伙伴们喜欢哦!

Cats are animals of habit. They like to go to sleep 1._____

about same time every day and for a certain length of time. They 2._____

seem to have natural clock inside them that tells them 3._____

when sleeping. Besides their regular sleep, cats take naps(打盹). 4._____

Some scientists think that people should also take cat nap. The 5._____

habit would do good for people's health. 6._____

Cat naps helped build up energy in the body. 7._____

Since cats have moods(情绪) like these of people, 8._____

scientists believe that people can improve their moods with 9._____

cat-napping. People might become more happier and more active.10.____

参考答案:1. right 2. same-the same 3.have-have a 4. sleeping-to sleep 5. nap-naps 6. for –to 7. helped-help 8. these-those 9. with-by 10. 去掉more

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