
2013-11-07 15:12:12 字体放大:  

威廉希尔app 成人高考频道精心整理搜集了关于“2013年成人学位英语考前提高试题”的信息,希望对您有所帮助,祝您成功!

1. She went on reading _____ it was midnight.

A.as B. for

C. until D. lest

2. He was old _____ quite strong.

A. and B. or

C. but D. if

3. Take his advice _____ you will fail.

A. nor B. or

C. for D. so

4. He was writing _____ the glass suddenly fell on the floor.

A. while B. as

C. so D. when

5. _____ you say, he won‘t listen to you.

A. No matter where B. No matter what

C. However D. Whichever

6. The car was going too fast on a wet road, _____ it crashed and the driver was in hospital.

A. but B. moreover

C. furthermore D. so

7. He said he would stay for another two days _____ it rained.

A. or B. nor

C. whether D. if

8. Hardly _____ I got home when it began to rain.

A. had B. am

C. did D. that

9. _____, none of us wanted to take a rest.

A. Tired although we were B. Tired as we were

C. As we were tired D. We as were tired

10. She opened the door quietly _____ wake up her sleeping baby.

A. in order that B. so that

C. in order to D. so as not to


1. C 她一直读书到半夜。 until 至到……为止。

2. C 他虽然年纪大了,但还很强壮。句子中转折词用的是but,故不能再用though,成对的连词在英语句子中只能出现一个,但翻译出来时都要翻译。比如,因为……所以……,虽然……但是……等等。这些成对出现的,翻译成英语时只出现一个连词就行了。这道题在讲义中为:Though he is very old, yet he is quite strong. 这时用yet可以,但是不能用but,要用but必须去掉though.

3. B 听取他的建议,否则你会失败的。or是一个选择连词。

4. D 当那个玻璃杯突然掉到地上时,他正在写作。 Fall on 跌落到……上。

5. B 不管你说什么,他都不会听的。在句子中充当宾语,所以疑问词要用what.

6. D 在一段儿湿路上车开得太快了,导致车被撞坏,司机也送医院了。so 在这里引导结果状语。

7. D 他说他将会再待两天如果天下雨的话。If引导条件状语从句。

8. A 我刚到家,天就下雨了。如果把hardly置于句首,后面的主谓必须倒装,也就是把谓语动词提到主语前。这句话如果不提前hardly的话,则为:I had hardly got home when it began to rain.

9. B 尽管很累了,我们中没有一个人想休息会儿。as引导的让步状语,必须采用两种语序:(1)、表语+as+主语+谓语;(2)、状语+as+主语+谓语。

10. D 她轻轻地把门打开,以免把她熟睡的婴儿惊醒。so as to 的否定形式为:so as not to,前三个选项句意显然不符。

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