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Reading Comprehension (60 points)

Directions: There are five reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by four questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B,C and D. Choose one best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Passage One

Have you ever been afraid to talk back when you were treated unfairly? Have you ever bought something just because the salesman talked you into it? Are you afraid to ask a boy (girl) for a date?

Many people are afraid to assert themselves (insist upon their own rights). Dr. Robert Alberti,author of Stand Up, Speak Out, and Talk Back, thinks it's because their self-esteem(自尊) is low. “Our whole set-up makes people doubt themselves,”says Alberti. “There's always a‘superior’around-a parent,a teacher,a boss-who‘knows better’”

But Alberti and other scientists are doing something to help people to assert themselves. They offer“as-sertiveness training”courses (AT). In the AT courses people learn that they have a right to be themselves. They learn to speak out and feel good about doing so. They learn to be aggressive(敢闯,闯劲儿) without hurting other people.

In one way, learning to speak out is to overcome fear. A group taking an AT course will help the timid person to lose his fear. But AT uses an even stronger motive-the need to share. The timid person speaks out in the group because he wants to tell how he feels. AT says you can get to feel good about yourself. And once you do, you can learn to speak out.

36.In the passage,the writer talks about the problem that .

A. some people are too easy-going

B. some people are too timid

C. there are too many superiors around us

D. some people dare not stick up for their own rights

37.The effect of our set-up on people is often to .

A. make them distrust their own judgment

B. make things more favorable for them

C. keep them from speaking out as much as their superiors do

D. help them to learn to speak up for their rights

38.The underlined word “overcome” in the last paragraph refers to .

A. be afraid of

B. face with and get rid of

C. put up with

D. come up with

39.One thing AT doesn't do is to .

A. use the need of people to share

B. show people they have the right to be themselves

C. help people to be aggressive at anytime even when others suffer

D. help people overcome fear