
2013-10-21 14:57:56 字体放大:  

各位朋友,离2013年成考只有5天时间了,威廉希尔app 成人高考频道准备了“2013年成考高起点英语物主代词归纳”的消息,希望各位喜欢!

物主代词  一、表示人的物主代词用my, our, your, his, her和their,指无生命的东西用its(但指国家时一般用she或her),它们在句中作定语

二、名词型物主代词能作表语(It’s theirs)、主语(Mine is there)、宾语(I don’t like hers),与of连用可以作定语(the food of theirs)。


1) A scientist bases its [A] work on hypotheses that [B] have been checked [C] through careful [D] experimentation.

2) Crude rubber is an [A] elastic(有弹性的) solid with a specific gravity of 0.911 and a refractive index(折射率) of 1.591, though it [B] composition varies with different latexes(橡浆) as well as [C] with the way it is prepared [D] at the plantation.

3) Manufacturers [A] of consumer goods [B] often change [C] the styles of them [D] products.


1) A错。 改为his.

2) B错。 改为its.

3) D错。 改为their.

各位大侠,威廉希尔app 成人高考频道小编为您编辑整理的“2013年成考高起点英语物主代词归纳”就到这里了,成考是人生的关键一步,预祝各位在5天以后的成考中发挥出色,考试成功!

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