
2013-10-21 14:55:05 字体放大:  

8) B错。 改为others.

9) B错。 改为other.

五、one与other “one”作为代词代替前面提到的人或物,它前边加the; “other”作代词修饰复数名词。 “one…another”表示“一个…另一个”的意思,或表示多个(三者以上)之中的“另一个”,“又一个”; “one…the other”表示两者之中剩下的“另一个,又一个”

10) I’d like to [A] buy a coat similar [B] to one [C] you are wearing [D] .

11) Though [A] Art Tatum was totally blind in one eye and had only slight [B] vision in another [C] , he became [D] an internationally renowned jazz musician.


10) C错。改为to the one.

11) C错。应用the other,因为此处表示两者之中的另一个,Art Tatum为人的名字,他只有两只眼睛,故提到“另一只”时应用the other.

六、 “few”和“little”两者分别为“many”和“much”的反义词,表示“少,很少”的意思,有否定含义,即等于“几乎没有”,如若表示肯定的含义,则应在little和few前加不定冠词“a”,即变为“a few”和“a little”

12) Because they are generally [A] taken simply to obtain a recognizable [B] and relatively clear [C] image, most nonprefessional photographs demand few [D] equipment.


12) D错。应改用little,因为equipment为不可数名词,故其修饰语应用little,few后面只接可数复数名词。

七、 “a great deal (of)” (大量)只作为限定语修饰不可数名词或在句中指代不可数名词作主语或宾语

13) of giftgiving, barter, buying and selling goes on among the Narvjos.

[A] A great deal [B] A great many [C] Much greater [D] Many


13) A为正确答案。空白后为不可数名词“giftgiving, barter, buying”,“[B] A great amny”和“[D] Many”修饰可数名词,而“[C] Much greater”本身是形容词,空档后不应有“of”, 所以填“[A] A great deal of”。

八、“nothing but”表示“只不过,就是,只有”

He is nothing but a singer. 他只不过是个唱歌的。

Nothing but a miracle can save us. 只有奇迹才能救我们。