
2013-10-21 14:41:11 字体放大:  


1. 不可数名词为物质名词和抽象名词,如information, proverty, advice, anger, applause, baggage, cake, chalk, chocolate, cloth(布), bread, damage(损害), equipment, fruit, furniture, gold, information, ink, jewellery, luggage, mail(邮件), money, news, paper, protection, soap, sugar, weaponry, machinery, scenery, personnel, work等

注:不可数名词可以与表示量的可数名词连用,借以表示“可数”的概念,我们可以加 a(n) piece [sheet(张), suit(套), tube(管), packet(包), item(条,则), bar(条), basket(篮子), glass(杯),bunch(束), pair(双,对), bowl(碗), portion(份), herd(群), series(系列), shower(阵) etc. ],如:a piece of advice(一条建议) /a basket of fruit(一篮水果) /an item of information (一则信息)/a kind of protection(一种保护)等。

2. 有些抽象名词的意思可以转变成为具体名词,这时要用其复数形式

The insurance company paid $10000 in damages for the accident. (“damage”本来为不可数名词“损害”,变复数后意思是“损失赔偿费”。)


另外,有些名词通常只用复数形式,如:fundamentals(基本原则),goods(货物), means(方法), rapids(急流),shorts(短裤), sweets(欢乐), valuables (贵重物品)。

三、同步练习(Correct errors, if any,in the following sentences:)

1. The scholars met once a year to exchange esperiences.

2. Foreign ship are not allowed to fish in our territoral water.

3. I went to the doctor for an advice about my health.

4.The letter contained an important information.

5.In the afternoon I did some baby-sittings,for it is a fun looking after children.

6.The congregation was not numerous that night,but they seemed to be listening attentively to my lecture.

7.Poultries are dear in the city.

8.The board of director is shaking heads at the chairman's speech.

9.The merchandises have arrived undamaged.