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2013-10-25 12:44:16 字体放大:  

例3:Many teachers believe that the responsibilities for learning lie with the students... It is the ______responsibility to find books, magazines, and articles in the library.

A. student‘s B. professor’s C. assistant‘s D. librarian’s

【答案】A.从前面的responsibilities for learning lie with the students可以判断查找材料也应该是“学生”的责任,所以答案为A.

例4:Forcing yourself to recall (almost) never helps because it doesn't ____ your memory; it only tightens it.

A. loosen B. weaken C. decrease D. reduce


例5:There are four types of blood. _______ types are found in every race, and no type is distinct to any race.

A. All B. Most C. No D. Some

【答案】A.并列连词and说明前后语意一致,那么,前后应该是反义复现,与no 反义的自然是A (all) .

例5:Many teachers believe that the responsibilities for learning lie with the students. If a long reading assignment is given, the instructors expect students to be familiar with the (information) in the reading …When research is ______, the professor expects the student to take it actively and to complete it with (minimum) guidance.

A. collected B. assigned C. distributed D. finished

【答案】B.该部分作者通过两个例子说明,应该有学生负责自己的学习,都是从“布置作业”方面解释。说明布置阅读作业时要求学生如何;布置研究作业时又该要求学生如何。两个例子概念复现,借助于give reading assignment的表达方式, 可以确定答案应该是B, 构成assign research的结构。