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为了帮助考生很好的复习,威廉希尔app 特整理了2013年在职研究生考试英语词汇练习题,希望对您参加本次考试有所帮助!

一、 He _____ his engagement just before the wedding.

A. broke out

B. broke away from

C. broke off

D. broke up

二、 Keys should never be hidden around the house since thieves _____ know where to look.

A. virtually

B. variously

C. unavoidably

D. Invariably

三、 High interest rates _____ people from borrowing money.

A. discourage

B. decrease

C. disturb

D. disgust

四、 When she heard from the hospital that her father had died, she _____ into tears.

A. burst

B. went

C. exploded

D. fell

五、 Frequently single-parent children ____ some of the functions that the absent adult in the house would have served.

A、take off

B、take after

C、take in

D、take on

六、Do you mind if I _____ with my work while you are getting tea ready.

A. get through

B. turn to

C. carry on

D. come on

七、 Despite their good service, most inns are less costly than hotels of _____ standards. www.examda.com

A. equivalent

B. uniform

C. alike

D. likely


1、C broke off.

[解析] break off(=cease suddenly, discontinue)突然中断;break off one’s engagement(解除婚约)。Break off(=interrupt) one’s conversation(打断谈话)。Break out(=begin suddenly)爆发。Break away from摆脱,从......退出。

2、D Invariably

[解析] invariably 总是, 不变地。Virtually 事实上, 实际上。unavoidably不可避免地。

3、A discourage

[解析] discourage sb. from doing sth.使认为某事不值得做:Tht wet weather discouraged people from going to the sports meeting.(下雨天使人觉得不值得去看运动会。)

4、A burst

[解析] burst into tears放声大哭;又如:burst into thunderous cheers(发出雷呜般的欢呼);burst into laughing(捧腹大笑)。

5、D take on

[解析] 四个选项的意思分别为:A.take off“拿去,取消,脱(衣,帽等),(飞机等)起飞,离开”;B.take after“(面貌,性格)像,模仿”;C.take in“接受,领会,理解,欺骗”;D.take on“呈现,雇佣,承担”。

6、C carry on

[解析] carry on 继续

7、A equivalent.

[解析] equivalent相等的,相当的:He exchanged his pounds for the equivalent amount of dollars. uniform 相同的,一样的。Likely adj.很可能的,有希望的。Alike(表语形容词)相同的,相象的。

以上就是威廉希尔app 分享的2013年在职研究生考试英语词汇练习题,希望对大家有所帮助



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