2.What‘s the most suitable title for the article?
[A] Working Far From Home?
[B] Migration and Discrimination.
[C] To go abroad.
[D]Problems about migration.
3.Read the third paragraph and find out which one was not true.
[A] Migration is a phenomenon which exist for a long time.
[B] Migration is not a localized phenomenon.
[C] Migration is localized but not a recent phenomenon.
[D] Globalized world has high labor mobility.
4.Which of the following is true?
[A] Women required for their human rights.
[B] Children account for 96 percent of migrants.
[C] Half of the female migrants aged between 8 and 14.
[D] Male adults account for less than half of the refugees.
5.What does paragraph 5 mainly talk about?
[A]The problems of migrants are increasing
[B] Migration need to face discrimination, and there human rights are vulnerable.
[C] Migration need more of human rights.
[D] Most women are smuggled each year.
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