2. How does the author feel about the study of MicroRNA?
3. When mentioning “It is one thing to manipulate cells in a test tube, quite another to treat people.”(Line 1, Paragraph 5), the author implies that __________.
[A]the test of cells and the treatment of people are unrelated to each other
[B]the treatment of people is more complex than the cells in the laboratory
[C]more emphasis should be laid on the human tests
[D]human treatment may not be successful
4. What does Buckminster Fuller mean by “Development is programmable; discovery is not.”(Last Line, Last Paragraph)?
[A]Discovery is always made beyond one‘s expectation.
[B]Development is easier than discovery.
[C]Development lacks curiosity while discovery does not.
[D]Development is less important than discovery.
5.Which of the following is not true about RNA interference?
[A]It prevents disease-causing viruses from entering human body.
[B]It improves the production of stem cells.
[C]It can cure of all kinds of human diseases.
[D]It silences certain protein to prevent tumor.
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