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3.The reason why young people are becoming increasingly violent is that____.

[A]the older they become,the stronger they are

[B]they receive lighter punishment than they should

[C]they do not know the value of human life

[D]there is now too much violence in newspaper and on television

4.According to the author,one reason why violent juvenile criminals should suffer the same fate as their adult counterparts is that____.

[A]there are as many juvenile crimes as adult crimes

[B]they have done equivalent injuries to the victim or the society

[C]they are clearly aware of what they are doing at the time of offence

[D]no other penalty can prevent them from committing future crimes

5.Pro-rehabilitation advocates insist that____.

[A]rehabilitation be directed only towards youths who commit minor crimes

[B]stricter sentences be given only to youths who commit brutal crimes

[C]a different justice system be applied to minors since they are not fully developed

[D]minors be held completely responsible for any kind of crimes they commit


1.[A] 参阅第一段第一句。

2.[C] 参阅第二段第二句。

3.[B] 参阅第三、四、五段,尤其是第五段。

4.[B] 参阅第四段第二、三、四句。

5.[C] 参阅第四段第一句和第三段第一、二句。

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