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3. We can learn from paragraph 3 that

A. the learning theory sometimes contradicts itself in some fields.

B. drinking alcohol can solve the problem of family discord.

C. tension reduction usually appear first after drinking alcohol.

D. alcoholics can‘t recall the unhappy consequence of alcoholism.

4. The author provides enough information to answer the question of

A. why alcoholics continue to drink despite the unhappy consequences.

B. how Conger explained the behavior of alcoholics by shock therapy.

C. under what circumstances an alcoholic benefits from anxiety attacks.

D. which treatment is the best one of alcoholism in the world now.

5. It can be inferred from the text that

A. the behavior of alcoholics contradicts the approach-avoidance theory.

B. the behavior of most alcoholics often proves the learning theory.

C. punishment may become the stimulus for another time of drinking.

D.frequent excessive drinking makes alcoholics indifferent to punishment.

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