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In your opinion, what is the most importantcharacteristic (for example, honesty,intelligence, a sense of humor) that a personcan have to successful in life? Use specificreasons and examples from your experience toexplain your answer. When you write youranswer, you are not limited to the exampleslisted in the prompt.

Model Essay(范文):

Although honesty, intelligence, and a sense of humor are all worthwhile characteristics,I feel the most important one in life to have is sensitivity. A sensitive person is aware ofhim/herself and the way their actions affect others. A sensitive person knows the place ofhonesty, intelligence, and a sense of humor.

Honesty is not always the best policy. There is such a thing as a white lie. You don't want toinsult someone by saying that their new dress doesn't fit properly or that you wouldn't live intheir new house if they paid you. You must be sensitive to when it is necessary to tell the truthand when it is better to tell a white lie.

Intelligence is a wonderful thing to have, but not all intelligent people use their intelligencesensitively. You don't want to show off and make others feel stupid. You must be sensitive tothe reactions of the people around you. It might be appropriate for you to admit that youhave the right answer, but in some cases, you might have to say, “I think this is the answer,but we might want to check it.” A sensitive person would not make someone else look dumb.

A sense of humor is always valued. Different people, however, laugh at different things. Youdon't want to make someone feel uncomfortable by laughing at his /her mistakes. A sensitiveperson would understand whether a person could be teased or whether a person wouldappreciate a certain joke.

A sensitive person would make everyone feel comfortable. A sensitive person understandsthat people are different and that the values of honesty, intelligence and humor can beapplied differently.




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