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The percentage of undergraduates has been rapidly increasing, from 14.9 percent in 2005 up to 39.8 percent in 2013, while the rate of graduate students went down from 76.1 percent in 2005 to 43.9 percent in 2013, according to the Open Doors Data. Psychologists say that younger students may be less prepared to cope with the stresses of studying abroad.

从公开数据统计结果来看,攻读学士学位的学生人数增长十分迅速,2005年学士学位学生占总留学生的比例只有14.9%,而到2013年却已经激增到了39.8%, 另一方面,硕士学位留学生比例则从2005年的76.1%下滑到了2013年的43.9%。心理学家表示,这些年龄更小的学生们可能还没有准备好应对海外学习的压力。

Chinese student Brad Wang, at the University of Illinois at Chicago, told the Global Times that, "it’s not only the language barrier, it also involves culture difference ... the reason we fail to understand lies in that we have not gone through their childhood."


"A smart way to find a shared topic is to learn some American culture, like what cartoons they watch what movies are popular, and try to find the breakthroughs, by starting with mutual topic," Wang added.


Different teaching methods in the US and China, although often the factor that attracts students to the US system, can also stress students. Whereas Chinese teaching often focuses on rote learning, American teachers prefer to assign open-ended questions and leave ?essays, which requires a lot of practical research and teamwork. Chinese students often have problems working together, and find longer projects that require their own research hard to finish.


"Chinese students are shy and silent when they are in group meetings, this is a main reason they get lower scores than local students," said another Chinese student Shu Ting, adding "I think the group meetings are also great opportunities to socialize and learn from local students."


"Making a reasonable studying plan is very useful," Wang noted, saying that Chinese students have to understand that getting used to an English environment takes time.




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