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各科目的认真复习对考生来说是相当重要的,威廉希尔app 为大家整理了2016年考研英语阅读长难句解析的相关介绍,以下是具体详情:


●For the women of my generation who were urged to keep juggling through the 80’s , down-shifting in the mid-90s is not so much a search for the mythical good life——growing your own organic vegetables , and risking turning into a simpler , less materialistic lifestyle——as a personal recognition of your limitations.

【主干识别】句子的主干部分为down-shifting in the mid-90s is not so much a search for the mythical good life.

【其他成分】For the women of my generation who were urged to keep juggling through the 80’s 为介词短语作状语;growing your own organic vegetables , and risking turning into a simpler为同位语;as a personal recognition of your limitations为状语。

【微观解析】for为介词,the women of my generation为名词, the women of my generation被定语从句who were urged to keep juggling through the 80’s修饰。

【难点探究】not so (as) much...as 这个比较结构的理解通常为“与其说,不如说”,例如:He was not so much angry as disappointed.(与其说他愤怒,不如说他失望。)


●Certainly people do not seem less interested in success and its signs now than formerly:summer homes , European travel , BMWs —— the locations , place names and name brands may change , but such items do not seem less in demand today than a decade or two years ago.

【词汇突破】sign 标志

summer home 避暑山庄

【主干识别】People do not seem less interested in success and its signs.

【其他成分】now than formerly 为状语;冒号后的句子summer homes ,European travel , BMWs —— the locations , place names and name brands may change , but such items do not seem less in demand today than a decade or two years ago 是对前面主句进行解释说明。

【微观解析】summer homes , European travel, BMWs名词词组表示列举,是松散的句子结构。“—”之后的the locations , place names and name brands may change , but such items do not seem less in demand today than a decade or two years ago是对summer homes , European travel , BMWs进行的解释。主句中比较对象为now和formerly;比较内容为“人们对这些事物的兴趣”;比较结果为“人们的兴趣没有减弱”;从句中比较对象为 today 和a decade or two years ago.比较内容为“人们对其需求程度”;比较结果为“现在的需求与以前的需求是一样的”。





Surely there is no more commanding moral imperative for people in the west than to urge each other , and their governments , to bring relief to the world’s poorest.



威廉希尔app 为您整理的“2016年考研英语阅读长难句解析”到这里就结束了,您还满意吗?预祝您考个好成绩。






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