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College is where undergraduates obtain knowledge and skills to enhance their academic performance and where students get their personality and code of social conduct improved as well. Thus, moral course of moral education should be provided as elective curriculums to college students.

curriculum 校内课程

extra curriculum课外活动

electives n选修课 elective curriculums



①Reading books. We can devote some of our leisure to cultivating a love of reading books. You will find what you can not get in reality but in books, such as companion, answers to tough questions, etiquette as well as mental power etc.

such as +N/doing

for example,+句子

②Exercising. Polls conducted online says, taking part into sports would improve your mentality, personality and strengthen your weak point. Your will find yourself more assertive and decisive after one year of group exercising.

find oneself +adj

find oneself +doing sth

③+给予他们时间成长Of course, we can not grow to be (a confident person) overnight if we were not, therefore, we should allow ourselves to take baby steps to learn it.

(2)志愿工作voluntary work

It is highly recommended that people should participate in voluntary work. During the process, you would get your mind purified, moral consciousness boosted, and social responsibilities strengthened. You would like to join hands with your peers or colleagues to proceed with your task.

get sth done


I am determined to say that effort and devotion from all hands would promise a prosperous and harmonious society.

I am sure that effort and devotion from all walks of life would ensure that our society make a rapid strides in near future.

威廉希尔app 为您筹备的2016年考研英语写作方法:第三段框架结构到这里就结束了,机会稍纵即逝,你还在等什么呢?






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