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One person says:"All has gone". The other person says:"There is still a little water."建议改为:

One person says, "All has gone" while/whereas the other person says, "There is still a little water."

Optimistic attitude plays a role in our daily life.When we encounter setbacks,optimistic can make us have confidence to cope with them.建议改为:

Optimistic attitude plays a role in our daily life,because optimistic can make us have confidence to cope with setbacks when we encounter them.

2、多用从句和非谓语动词形式,这样句式更为高级。 例如:

Second,we can try to ride bicycles or take buses to go to school or work.Thus can reduce harmful gas.建议改为:

Second,we can try to ride bicycles or take buses to go to school or work,which can reduce harmful gas.或者

Second, in order to reduce harmful gas, we can try to ride bicycles or take buses to go to school or work.


In the middle stand two individuals. When they see the bottle of water fall down, they react differently. One feels gloomy and the other feels optimistic.建议改为:

In the middle stand two individuals, who react differently towards the same phenomenon, with one feeling gloomy while the other optimistic.



Some students are pursuing too high a goal when seeking for jobs. They care about various factors such as salaries, working conditions and so forth, which narrows their choice.第二句是对 too high a goal的展开论证。

Optimistic attitude,as a positive attitude, not only means recognizing the existence of problems, but also takes active mentality to solve problems.Once the difficult issue pops out unexpectedly, our positive mindset enables us to notice its good points and think of ways to avoid or improve its bad consequence. 第二句是对takes active mentality 的展开论证。

It is universally acknowledged that life is by no means perfect and whether we feel optimistic or not depends on what attitudes we take. When confronted with an adverse situation, some youths feel in low spirits and fall into depression. Others, on the contrary, look at the positive side of the situation and remain cheerful. 第二句话是对第一句话的展开说明。

2. 因果法

Optimistic attitude plays a significant role in our daily life,because optimistic can make us have confidence to cope with the setbacks when we encounter them.


Without the merit of optimism, we are more likely to experience more pains and end up with failure.


Numerous examples can be given, but this/these will suffice.


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