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Directions: You have been asked to write a report on water saving issue to the administrative committee of the university.

Task: As a volunteer, writer an one paragraph report, in about 100 words, on the main findings of your personal check-up of the water supply facilities on campus. Include what you consider to be the best measures to effectively correct the situation.


I have checked the water supply facilities accessible on campus in October,2004 to ease water shortage problem. Most of the hardware still works all right but some equipment is problematic.

124 out of 1036 old-fashioned water taps in classroom buildings and students dormitories were found to be either leaking or broken; water keeps running our day and night in 14 student bathrooms for many weeks, at least wasting 18.5 tons of water every day. Few water meters are installed in student dormitories, resulting in unfair water bill. I think that effective measures be taken to save water, including replacing all old water taps with advanced ceramic ones, installing water meter for individual users, and heightening the awareness of water shortages.



Dear Sandy,

During the entire school year I have really enjoyed your company and all the time we’ve spend studying and relaxing together. I have talked to my parents about you a great deal and they would really enjoy making your acquaintance. They have asked me to invite you to stay at our home over the summer vacation. I think this would be a great opportunity for us to spend more time together and get to know each other even better. I really hope that you will be able to join me in my hometown for the vacation.

     Looking forward to our meeting.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

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