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失望 despair; loss of hope; without hope

幼稚 childish; childlike; na飗 e

挑剔的 picky; choosy; fastidious

破坏 destroy; ruin; break to pieces; devasate

技巧的 skillful; adept; dexterous

警觉的 alert; watchful; on guard; wary of

忍受 bear; put up with; endure; stand

证据 evidence; facts; proof; grounds; testimony

很容易地 easily; with little problem; with little hindrance

令人惊讶的 amazing; astonishing; astounding

生动的报导 vivid description

争取 compete for; try hard to win

遗产 heritage; legacy; inheritance

保护 protect; safeguard; preserve; shelter

了解 understand; comprehend; catch the meaning of; catch on

汇露 reveal; make known; disclose

放大 amplify; magnify; enlarge

动力 impetus; driving force; momentum

自满的 complacent

第一流的 first-rate; excellent

安全处 refuge; asylum; haven; sanctuary

强调 emphasize; stress; highlight

短视的决定 short-sighted decision



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