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假定 suppose; assume; postulate; hypothesize

极端的 radical; extreme

极端的措施 drastic measures

剩下的 the rest; the remainder; what is left

换言之 in other words; put another way

结果 result; aftermath; consequence

优点 advantage; strength; strong point; merit; benefit

简言之 put simply; in short; in brief; in a nutshell

举例而言 for instance; for example; to illustrate; let us cite 特别是

an illustration; to cite a concrete case

特别是 especially; more than others; particularly; in particular

既然…now that…; seeing that…

迹象 inkling; hint; clue; a slight suggestion

缺点 disadvantage; demerit; shortcoming; drawback; weakness

除去 do away with; eliminate; remove; get rid of

缺少 for lack of; for a deficiency of

毕竟 after all; all in all

范围 scope; field; realm

潜力 potential;

行为 conduct; behavior; doings

隔绝 isolate; insulate

分辨出 identify; recognize

不易懂的 elusive; hard to understand

展开 unfold

回馈 feedback

主导的人物 a dominant figure; a controlling man; the most influential person

观点 viewpoint; point of view; perspective; standpoint

正在进行中 is underway

只是一种姿态 is merely a gesture

立场 position; stand; stance

意向 inclination; leaning; intention

特权 privilege; a special right

来自 stem from; come from

一件事的不同说法 alternative statements of fact

交织 intertwine; interweave

好奇心 the eager desire to know; curiosity



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