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很多刚刚着手2017 考研 复习的考生对英语这一块非常迷茫。虽然英语是学习了很多年的学科,但是想在考研英语中拿到高分还是十分困难。下面给大家整理了考研英语精品阅读,希望可以帮助大家。

As a direct challenger to the Apple Watch, Chinesetechnology company, Huawei, Wednesday launchedits high-end smartwatch products in Britain.


Two months after being launched in the UnitedStates, the Huawei Watch arrived in Britain as one ofthe most expensive smartwatches that run onGoogle's Android Wear operating system. Huawei'sambitious wearables product will be priced between289 pounds to 599 pounds, depending on the style,according to the company.

在美国上市两个月后,华为智能手表进军英国。这款手表采用谷歌Android Wear操作系统,是最昂贵的智能手表之一。华为公司表示,这款可穿戴设备的预期定价在289磅到599磅之间,具体价格还要看手表的款式。

Measuring 42 mm in diameter and encased in a cold-forged stainless steel frame, thesmartwatch features a fully circular 1.4-inch touch-sensitive AMOLED display, which is coatedin scratch-proof sapphire crystal.

Huawei Watch直径42毫米,外嵌冷锻不锈钢,配以1.4英寸圆形AMOLED触摸屏,屏身镶有防刮蓝宝石水晶。

This is part of Huawei's efforts to bring more products into major markets outside of China.


Huawei has emerged as second largest Android brand in European Union's big five markets,namely Britain, Germany, France, Italy, and Spain, according to the latest smartphone salesdata from Kantar Worldpanel ComTech for the third quarter of 2015.

Kantar Worldpanel ComTech2015年第三季度的最新智能手机销量数据显示,在英国、德国、法国、意大利和西班牙这五大欧盟市场中,华为已成为第二大安卓品牌。

But when it comes to the wearables, the market is by far a tough nut to crack, as manyconsumers are yet to be convinced that they need these products, at least in major marketslike the United States.


The wearables market is still in its infancy, with only three percent of the U.S. population aged16 and up owning a smartwatch or a smartband, according to the latest data released byKantar Worldpanel ComTech, which specializes in monitoring and analyzing consumer behavior.

目前,可穿戴设备的市场仍旧处于初级阶段。Kantar Worldpanel ComTech是一家专门调研分析消费者行为的机构,根据该机构发布的最新数据,16岁以上的美国人中,只有三分之一有智能手表或智能手环。

The figures are based on a survey conducted in late August among eleven thousandconsumers.


The survey showed that among the non-owners of smartwatch interviewed, 20 percent werenot sure what these devices were, and 11 percent had never heard of them.


"Considering the poor job vendors have done thus far in defining the smartwatch category it issurprising that 52 percent of those interviewed were able to identify what these devices are:something you wear like a watch, and that let you runs apps," said Carolina Milanesi, chief ofresearch at Kantar Worldpanel ComTech.

Kantar Worldpanel ComTech首席研究员Carolina Milanesi说:“商家对智能手表这类设备没有清晰明确的定义,因此,52%的受访者能知道这些设备是‘可以运行应用程序,像手表那样的东西'我感到很诧异。”

But according to Kantar, manufacturers, ecosystem owners, and developers all see significantopportunities ahead in the wearables market.

但按照Kantar Worldpanel ComTech的说法,制造商、智能生态系统公司、以及研发者都认为可穿戴设备市场潜力巨大。

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