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1) give sb. a hand:帮助某人或参与某人做某事

e.g. Give me a hand with the cleaning, please.

give sb. one’s hand:与某人握手

e.g. She gave me her hand and wished me a good trip.

2) go through:检查,搜查;通过,穿过

e.g. They went through our luggage at the customs.

It took us a whole week to go through the great forest.

go through with:把……坚持到底

e.g. We should go through with the experiment now we’ve started.

3) good for:有益于

e.g. This book is good for your English study.

for good:永久地

e.g. The lost money was gone for good.

4) have a fancy for:爱好,喜爱

e.g. She has a fancy for nice clothes.

have a fancy that:猜想,认为

e.g. I have a fancy that he will come tonight.

5) head up:领头;领导

e.g. A band headed up the parade.

Mr. Jones will head up the new business.

heads up:注意,小心

e.g. Heads up, now! You can do better than that.

6) in a way:在某种程度上

e.g. In a way, it is an important book.

in the way:妨碍,挡路

I will visit you next weekend if there is nothing in the way.

7) in black:穿黑色衣服

e.g. Arabian women are always dressed in black clothes.

in the black:赢利,赚钱

New production methods put the company in the black.

8) in charge of:负责

e.g. Who is in charge of this work?

in the charge of:照护

e.g. The patients are in the charge of the nurse.

9) in hand:控制

e.g. There was a little rioting, but the police soon had the situation in hand.

hand in:递交,交给

e.g. He handed in his resignation in protest against it.

10) in one’s honor:向……表示敬意或感谢

e.g. The day was kept as a holiday in honor of victory.

on one’s honor:用人格担保

e.g. We were on our honor not to cheat on the exam.

11) in possession of:占有

e.g. He is in possession of this house.

in the possession of:被占有

e.g. The keys are in the possession of the door keeper.

12) in spirit:在内心,在精神上

e.g. In spirit, at least, these laws were very fair.

in spirits:情绪或心情(好、坏等)

e.g. He is in poor spirits because of his failing in the exam.

13) keep up:继续,保持

e.g. They entered into a correspondence which was kept up for almost ten years.

keep up with:与……齐步前进,跟上

e.g. With their help, he has kept up with the class.

14) look about:环视

e.g. He looked about him with great interest.

look about for:四处寻找

e.g. She was looking about for the key she had just lost.

15) look up:向上看

e.g. He looked up and nodded to me.

look up to:尊敬

e.g. It must be rewarding to be looked up to by so many people.

16) make one’s way:开路

e.g. As soon as he saw us, the teacher made his way through the crowd to greet us.

make one’s way to:向……走去

e.g. In the evening we made our way to the appointed meeting place.

17) measure to:测量到某一精度

e.g. Measure this part to mm.

measure up to:够得上,可以匹敌

e.g. The new techniques measure up to advanced world standard.

18) more than:很,非常

e.g. He was more than upset by the accident.


e.g. I regarded her more highly than me.

19) much as:虽然

e.g. Much as I should like to go, I can’t go right now.

as much:同样的或同样多少的

e.g. You have always helped me and I will always do as much for you.

20. no less than:不亚于,竟达……之多

e.g. There were no less than one hundred people at the meeting.

not less than:不比……差,至少

e.g. There were not less than one hundred people at the meeting.

请大家注意区分以上两句的差别,第一句是指“竟达100人之多”,第二句则是“至少有100人”,要明白no less than是一种强调说法,它和not less than的区别在于事先假定的程度或是数量有所不同,no less than在某种意义上说来没有超过的意思,而not less than可能会超过,这种表达方式正好与no more than以及not more than相反。

21. no more than:同样不;仅仅,只有

e.g. This book is no more interesting than that one.

It is no more than empty talk.

not more than:不比……更,不如;至多

e.g. He is not more clever than you are.

There were not more than 5 factories in our city before liberation.

22. on sale:出售的;廉价出售

e.g. Many new farm tools are on sale in this store.

I got this book on sale; it was very cheap.

for sale:出售的,上市的

e.g. I shall put these goods up for sale.

在作“出售的”的意思的时候,on sale和for sale还是有一些不同的,一般来说,for sale多指物主亲自或委托代理人经手出售,而on sale通常表示店里的货物是供出售的。

23. once again:再一次

e.g. I want to try this once again.

once and again:一再

e.g. I have told him once and again not to do that.

24. out of question:毫无疑问,必定

e.g. Out of question, this plan can be fulfilled ahead of time.

out of the question:不可能的

e.g. What you propose is out of the question.

25. refer to:提及,涉及

e.g. I would like to refer back to the first of my three points.

refer to…as:称作,叫做

e.g. Coal is often referred to as food for industry.

26. search sb.:认真搜查某人身体

e.g. They searched him but nothing was found on him.

search for sb.:搜查某地为找到某人

e.g. They searched for him everywhere but failed.

27. settle down:落下;定居

e.g. The dust slowly settled down.

He has settled down in the countryside.

settle down to:专心致力于;逐渐习惯于

e.g. He settled down to his homework.

They settled down to a new job.

28. speak for itself:不言而喻

e.g. One does not to be told that this fact speaks for itself.

speak for oneself:发表本人的意见

e.g. What others think I do not know, I can only speak for myself.

29. submit to:屈服于

e.g. He has to submit to an operation.


e.g. They must submit the case to the court.

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