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只知道词汇意思所在,不能举一反三灵活应用,这点其实非常可怕。应用才是硬道理。下面威廉希尔app 总结了2016考研英语备考重要短语,希望可以帮助大家。

with respect to 至于,关于

in respect of 考虑到……至于(正式用语)

have respect for sb/ show respect to sb 尊敬某人

without respect to 不管,不顾

as a last resort 作为最后一招

resort to 诉诸于,求助于

refresh oneself ( with sth。) (以某物)提神

refresh one’s memory 唤起某人的记忆

refrain from (doing) sth. 克制不做某事

refrain from anger 抑制愤怒

refuse / grant sb credit 拒绝/允许赊购

refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事

receive a refusal 遭到拒绝

at the end of one’s recourses 山穷水尽无计可施

leave sb to his own recourses 让某人独自去想办法

reserve a ticket 订票

reserve…for… 保留……作……用

with / without reserve 有/ 无保留地

in reserve 备用的

reserve one’s judgment on sth. 对某事暂不表态

register one’s name 登记名字

restrict… (sth. / sb / oneself ) to… 把……限制在……的范围

be restricted in one’s movements 行动受约束

be restricted by time / law 受时间 / 法律限制

recommend sth. / sb to sb 把……推荐给……

recommend doing sth。建议做某事

recommend sb to do sth. 建议某人做某事

recommend sb for the post 推荐某人任此职

the remedy for 治……的疗法 纠正……的办法

remedy the situation / mistake / loss 挽救局势/纠正错误/ 弥补损失

beyond / past retrieve 无法补救

retrieve… from… 拯救……

retrieve a loss 挽回损失

retrieve one’s spirit 重振精神

be repelled by sth.  对某事物感到反感

have / place / put reliance upon /on /in 信赖,信任

relate sth. to sb 向某人叙述某事 (事实/经历)

relate sth. to / with sth. else 将……与……联系起来

relate to sb/sth. 涉及某人/某事

in / with relation to 关于,有关

on reflection 经过仔细考虑

reaction against 对抗

chain reaction 连锁反映

in response to 作为对……的反映

sb’s response to sth. 某人对……的反应

give /make a /no response ( to) (对……)做出/不做反映

at risk 处在危险

at the risk of 冒着……的危险

run a risk /run risks 冒险

run / take the risk of 冒着……的危险

at the risk of ( doing) 冒着(做)……的危险

at the risk of one’s life 冒着生命危险

risk ( doing) sth. 冒做某事的危险

risk… (in) doing sth. 冒着失去……的危险做某事

risk one’s  life (in) doing sth. 冒着生命危险做某事

at random 随便地,任意地

reproach oneself 自责

reproach sb for (doing) sth. 因为(做)某事而责备某人

get/have/take one’s revenge on sb for sth。因某事向某人报仇

revenge oneself on sb / be revenged on sb (for sth. ) (为某事)向某人报仇

out of / in revenge for sth. 为了报复

It’s reasonable to do sth. 做某事是合理的

make out / sign a receipt 开出收据/在收据上签字

get a receipt 索取收据

acknowledge receipt of a letter / an order 签收信件 / 定单

以上就是威廉希尔app 总结的2016考研英语备考重要短语。希望对大家有所帮助!更多关于考研英语辅导的内容尽在威廉希尔app 考研英语辅导栏目。



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