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Some students prefer to study alone. Othersprefer to study with a group of students. Whichdo you prefer? Use specific reasons andexamples to support your answer.

Model Essay(范文):

Study habits are a very individual thing. Some people like to study alone, while others like tostudy with a group. Personally, I would rather study alone, but I can see advantages to bothways.

It can be very helpful to study with other students. For one thing, you can exchangeinformation about the topic. Not everyone is going to hear everything the teacher says in class.Comparing notes is a good way to be sure you get what youmissed. You can also discussvarious aspects of the topic. Other students can bring a different perspective to thediscussion. They can point out things you may not have thought of , and help you make yourarguments clearer.

Studying with other students can also help keep you focused on studying. If you’re in a studygroup, you have to be at a particular place to study at a particular time. This is gooddiscipline. The group reviews all the material available and then begins studying. There’s not alot of wasted time, if things work the way they should.

Of course, it doesn’t help if you’re in a study group that doesn’t take studying seriously. Thenyou’d be much better of studying by yourself. If you’re trying to study with friends and all theywant to do is talk about other things, you’d get more done going somewhere to study byyourself. Being with people who don’t want to study can mean you’ll be constantly distracted.There’ll be a lot of interruptions, and you won’t gain much hearing they points of view on astudy subject.

Finally, whether you study alone or in a group depends a lot on your own study habits and onyour personality. If you need absolute quiet to study, then you’re better off alone. If you’re avery social person, then you’re better off studying alone, too: you’ll be too tempted to socializeinstead of studying. This is the reason I prefer studying alone. When I’m with other people, Iwant to play, I don’t want to work.

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